1 European Experts’ Symposium Future and Emerging Issues in Technology Enhanced Professional Learning Wayne Hodgins Strategic Futurist Autodesk Inc. Technology trends and their Impact on learning, training, processes and organizations Athens, Greece December 19, 2005
2 Strategic Futurist President & Co-Founder Learnativity.org Chair, IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Learning Object Metadata Director: Worldwide Learning Strategies Strategic Executive Services Strategic Advisor
3 Innovation not replication! Let’s stop “flapping” and replicating past artifacts Let’s start thinking DIFFERENTLY !! How does this apply to YOU?!
4 LEADERSHIP by EXAMPLE Psssssst! That’s YOU too! Look Around!
5 “C-ing the Future” C ontent, C ompetencies C ontext C ontent C ONTEXT C ompetencies CONTENT CONTEXT COMPETENCIES
6 “C-ing” the Future C ontent Get small! Evolving toward a supply chain model Repositories, GUIDs, discovery, resolution Metadata: tagging everything with everything Dynamic assembly AND delivery C ompetencies Are following similar exponential curve and revolution as content Severe granularity: Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, Behaviors Link to content objects OBJECTIVES are the critical “connective tissue”!! C ontext Location based learning Subjective metadata, pattern recognition, etc.
7 Revolutionary Transformation FROM ▬► TO =========================================================== Macro / Monolithic ▬► Micro “just in case” ▬► “just enough” “any” time/place ▬► “just the right” Searching ▬► Finding Instructor/Instruction centric ▬► Learner/Learning centric Time to learn ▬► Time to performance Prescriptive ▬► Performance Episodic ▬► Continuous Consistency ▬► Diversity mass production ▬► mass customization Publishing few to many▬► mass contribution Mass market ▬► Massive Micro markets Data less guessing▬► data driven dashboards Tables, charts, lists ▬► data visualization Manual metadata▬► automated metadata eg. categorization e-Training ▬► me - Learning
8 GLOBAL META TRENDS Small Disappearing (digital ink/paint) Reappearing (basics) Standards based Smart NOT intelligent Memory augmentation Helping me know what I don’t know that I do know Decision support Special You ARE a snowflake! Social Collaboration Communication (CoIP) Mass contribution Scattered All the pieces are there, but…………..
9 Premature Arrival of the Future The future is already here. It is just not evenly distributed! - William Gibson Our goal should be to put “The art of the possible” into practice TODAY!
10 Strategic Partnerships: Strategic Corporate Philanthropy Future role of NGO’s, developing markets & regions Research opportunities What if…. Scarcity based development Enhanced environments “leap frog” scenarios for rapid change Lack of existing infrastructure,
11 Disruptive Innovation! There’s one in YOUR future!! And another one right behind it!
12 Perfecting the Irrelevant?!! Are we all very very very busy doing this???
13 Looking but not seeing?
14 IMPACT ON LEARNING Learning becoming a corporate and global IMPERATIVE Following the pattern of IT? Redefining roles Evolution not elimination eg radio Aggressive Patience: Allowing emergence vs design However, saving the best and most important for last.
15 Grand Vision And some Grand Challenges
16 Grand Vision In a word? PERSONALIZATION (Or if you insist on a prefix call it..) me Learning! Personalized Learning Experiences for every person every day all 6.2 billion of us -- every day!! Just for me and just right: Time, place, amount, device, medium, way… On demand, adaptive Markets of one: Billions of Markets Learning in ALL forms: Formal AND informal not just online, on computer, on screen “When the learner is ready the ‘teacher’ will appear.”
17 Grand Visions have……. GRAND CHALLENGES
18 всеки един наука toda um aprendendo 每 一個 學習 svaki neki znanje každý jeden učenost al mulig sig indlæring Elk Het leren joka ainoa oppi Chaque Un Étude Jedes Ein Lernen Κάθε Ένας Εκμάθηση mind egy tanulás sérhver einn lærdómur Ogni Uno Imparare sulum unus eruditio todos los días un aprendizaje あらゆる 1 つ 勉強 有らゆる 某 伝習 각 1 개 배움 Hver En Å læring enhver ettall innlæring bawa't isa mag-aral każdy jeden wiedza Cada Um Aprendizagem fiecare unul Learning Каждо Одно Учить Каждый Один Изучение каждый один ученость svaki pojedinac znanje sleherni nedoločni zaimek učenje Cada Uno El aprender cada un aprendizaje varje en inlärningen her bir bilgi
20 EVERY one online? (in millions as of 2002) Source: NUA Internet Surveys
21 Source: NUA Internet Surveys EVERY one online? (in millions as of 2002) Europe: Population, total: 729,075,181
23 Getting to ONE: Just the right…. Just the right CONTENT, to Just the right PERSON, with Just the right PARTNERS, at Just the right TIME, on Just the right DEVICE, in Just the right CONTEXT, and Just the right WAY UP
25 Learning augmenting our COGNITIVE limitations Getting better at getting better Unlearning applying existing and emerging research!
всеки един наука toda um aprendendo 每 一個 學習 svaki neki znanje každý jeden učenost al mulig sig indlæring Elk Het leren joka ainoa oppi Chaque Un Étude Jedes Ein Lernen Κάθε Ένας Εκμάθηση mind egy tanulás sérhver einn lærdómur Ogni Uno Imparare sulum unus eruditio todos los días un aprendizaje あらゆる 1 つ 勉強 有らゆる 某 伝習 각 1 개 배움 Hver En Å læring enhver ettall innlæring bawa't isa mag-aral każdy jeden wiedza Cada Um Aprendizagem fiecare unul Learning Каждо Одно Учить Каждый Один Изучение каждый один ученость svaki pojedinac znanje sleherni nedoločni zaimek učenje Cada Uno El aprender cada un aprendizaje varje en inlärningen her bir bilgi
27 For Questions, Critiques, Comments Please contact me directly at: Thank You!!
28 The Future of Learning is: Personalized Based on: Performance Patterns Standards Small, granular, modular Dynamic, on demand Learnativity: Integration of work, learn, play, live Creativity, innovation, productivity