University of New Mexico Dietetic Internship Donna W. Lockner, Ph.D., R.D. Dietetic Internship Program Director
Route to R.D. Bachelor’s Degree from CADE accredited program Complete CADE accredited Dietetic Internship Pass national R.D. exam
All CADE Accredited Internships Provide : n At least 900 hours of supervised practice n Opportunity to demonstrate ability in entry-level “Competency Statements”
Internships differ by: n Emphasis area –Nutrition Therapy –Community –Foodservice Systems Management –Business/Entrepreneur –Generalist n Affiliation with university, hospital, etc. n Location n Length n Cost
Information on Dietetic Internships n ADA Web Site n Directory of Dietetics Programs n Applicant Guide to Supervised Practice Experience
Applying to Internships n Ask for Information/Application Packet n Follow instructions METICULOUSLY n Send for official transcripts from every college attended
Application Packet n Application form available on disk from ADA or UNM Nutrition Program n Neatness counts n Written communication skills evaluated n Start several months before postmark deadline n Follow directions!
Memberships, Awards n American Dietetic Association –Dietetic Practice Groups n New Mexico Dietetic Association n Society for Nutrition Education n UNM Nutrition Club –Offices held (shows commitment and responsibility)
Letters of Recommendation n Choose people who fit the criteria for evaluators –Faculty –Work/volunteer supervisor n Ask a month before you need the letter n Sign cover sheet about confidentiality n Provide information to help them write the letter (don’t be shy) –Include specific information about your abilities and skills
Work Experience n Describe key responsibilities with strong verbs –Conduct, responsible for, ensure, maintain standards n ADA standard application separates nutrition-related (including volunteer)
GPA n DPD courses = courses required for BS degree in Nutrition/Dietetics n Required = in Student Handbook n Additional = other courses you chose to take n A = 4.0 A- = 3.67 B= = 3.33 –See UNM catalog n For each course, multiply credit hours times grade points
UNM Dietetic Internship n Generalist n August through May n Enrolled as a graduate student n Earn 18 graduate credit hours –3 credit hours each semester for on- campus graduate course –6 credit hours each semester for supervised practice off-campus n Cost is tuition only (less than $2,500 for NM residents
Rotations: 30 hours per week of supervised practice n 9 weeks - Nutrition Therapy n 9 weeks - Foodservice Management n 9 weeks - Community Nutrition n 5 weeks - Enrichment (intern chooses area)
In each rotation: n intern meets each competency statement by performing planned activities in the supervised practice facility under direction of a preceptor (30-32 hours per week) n intern writes weekly journal n intern attends graduate class on campus one day per week
Upon Completion of Internship: n take R.D. exam n apply for state licensure if applicable
Selection Criteria for UNM Dietetic Internship n GPA for last 60 hours –minimum of 3.0 n GPA for nutrition courses –minimum of 3.0 n Letters of recommendation n Work/Volunteer experience –skills demonstrated –responsibility –duration n Letter of application