MHS Senior Internship Program Mentor/Mentee Meeting March 30, 2011
No FINAL EXAMS Classes end on April 11 th ! Congratulations!
Mrs. Magner today! Subject: Your Name
PICK UP MEDICAL RECORDS In the Nurse’s Office See Ms. Vona or Ms. Donoghue
2. Do the BEST you possibly can! 8 School Days till internship……. 1. Get all your course work completed! research papers, projects etc 3. Act appropriately and respectfully 4. Don’t be absent or late for school or class!
All Materials On-Line MHS Website Wikispaces
Teacher Approval Form (p.11 Handbook) Teacher’s will sign if……… 1. Completed all assignments and tests 2. Passed the course for the year April 11 Turn this form into Mrs. Magner by the close of school on April 11
Check List – End of Meeting CORI FORM If the box is BLANK we did not get your guide’s CORI
Internship begins on April 12 Internship Information on MHS Website Refer to your Handbook p. 3 Important Dates and Deadlines 5 weeks No internship during April vacation Site work ends May 20 Senior Internship Exhibition May 25 Finn Gym 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
AP Course, Performing Arts, EPP EPP students must take Pass Exam AP students must attend class until the AP exam Performing Arts students must attend class as scheduled with Mr. Cole
Interns need to do weekly your mentor on a weekly basis with your schedule. The internship committee will be making site visits. Read weekly from Mrs. Magner Make sure DAILY WORK LOGS are complete for the week
Three Week Evaluation Interns meet with their mentor the week of May 2 – May 6 to complete this form.
Grading Senior Internship grade – PAS or FAI Exemplary Work - A Will be recorded on report card Mentor evaluates your written paper and exhibition presentation
Written Paper Must be 4 to 5 pages Word processed Refer to page 10 of your handbook for instructions Given to your MENTOR by May 23
Exhibition Presentation – May 25 Use a Tri-Fold poster board Represents what you did for 5 weeks on internship Be Creative – use appropriate fonts, graphic, photos, etc Must be neat, and legible – no messy handwriting! See examples in the library
DRESS APPROPRIATELY No Jeans! Dress professionally Senior Internship Exhibition Internship Site Check with your guide Do not wear revealing clothing
Questions or Problems Contact.... Your Mentor Mrs. Magner Sr. Internship Committee House Principal
Mr. Jesi A to B Ms. Laidley C to D Ms. Nyman E to I Mr. Kilbride J to L Ms. Kilbansky M to P Mr. Tivnan R to S Ms. Valente T to Z