Practical Innovation Management Internship Approach and process
PIM-internships Use knowledge gathered in previous courses to solve a problem or contribute to a process/project in a firm Innovation oriented Should be of importance to the firm. The need should be there. Continuous documentation and reflection throughout the process
Overview of process Always starting at and for three hours Week 11 (today): Course starts on the 13 March with introduction at SFE. Week 12: Assignment and contact person at the companies finalized Tronn Skjerstad’s first meeting on March 20 Week 14 : Easter holiday Weeks 15, 17, 19: Supervision seminars with Tronn Skjerstad Week 21 ( 22/5 at 12.00): Final report hand-in Week 22 (29/5): End seminar
Presentation assignments for each meeting /3: The company, problem formulation and strategy for investigation 10/4: Theoretical models/frameworks to be used – strengths and weaknesses 24/4: Process management and data gathering 8/5: Preliminary results and recommendations
Presentation assignments for each meeting - 2 Written on power-point and presented to class for discussion Presentation 7-10 minutes/discussion 10 minutes, strict time limits. Hand in powerpoint to Tronn on Sunday night + preferred questions to be brought up for discussion.
Structure of final report Ca 5000 words, outlining: 1. The nature of the company and its processes 2. The problem dealt with 3. The analytical models used 4. The process of the work (including data gathering, interaction and analysis) 5. The results of the analysis 6. The possible uses of the results – management suggestions To be handed in on May 29 at 12.00
Research process Keep diary: collect reflections and concrete instances (examples) of events relating to your assignment. Dont forget to describe in detail and to use quotes where possible. Think in terms of your next meeting presentation and being able to present a rich account and to ask the right questions Think about the final report. What do you need to write it? Think about the sections of this report and what you should put under each. Write down text for each of the report sections on your computer continuously during the internship period as a fomr of data management. Use these notes to make power points and formulate questions for each meeting in the course.