JC Penney’s Summer Internship Program By Larkin B. Smith IV JCP
Company Background JC Penney offers a dynamic 11-week Information Technology Summer Internship in Plano, TX. JC Penney provides students who participate in their internship program the opportunity to focus on internet technology, client/server technology, relational databases, and object-oriented technology. This past summer I fortunately had the opportunity to work with all these technologies. JCP
Project Objectives Convert old COBOL to write Data to Database Create Database Write a JCL program to run updated COBOL program Create a user friendly Web Screen to allow user easy access to the data JCP The Project - Reformat and Convert Store Support Center (SSC) Adjustment Report to Web Screens
Importance to Company Will no longer just be a hardcopy Will make report more user-friendly The user will be able to query the data The user can sort the data any way they wish Will also reduce the amount of paper being wasted to print these reports on a daily basis JCP
Resources Used DB2 COBOL JCL SQL ASP JavaScript VBScript JCP
Training Mostly Independent learning Trained using Online Textbooks Learned COBOL & JCL Questions were reported to Mentor JCP
Was Project Completed The Project was completed; 3 weeks after it was given Changes were made throughout duration of summer due to Clients request JCP
Overall Experience JC Penney Internship gives students a great opportunity to see exactly how different computer programs actually interact with each other. They also give students the opportunity to realize how important team work is. JC Penney Internship Program gives a student a first person view of corporate life. JCP
Contact Information Larkin B. Smith IV (704) 258 – 5604 Tiffanie Chiles-Mitchell Contact Inforametion Available Upon Request JCP