Internships for Liberal Studies Students Devin Rozansky Internship Coordinator
Overview Introduction Overview of Endicott model for internships Counseling the Liberal Studies student Senior internship seminar Student Case Summaries
Endicott College Founded in 1939, by Dr. Eleanor Tupper and her husband, Dr. George O. Bierkoe Vision of educating women for greater independence and an enhanced position in the workplace 2,000 undergraduate students, 1,000 graduate and professional studies students, and 200 students at campuses in Madrid and Mexico.
Introduction 9 years at Endicott – 1 in Career Center, 8 years as Internship Coordinator Variety of majors: Criminal Justice, Psychology, International Studies, Hospitality, Liberal Studies. Current load of 350 students, 8 majors. Office has grown from 3 internship coordinators to a director, 4 full time, and one part time coordinator. Endicott College commitment to internships
Why have the discussion? Liberal Studies students are not typically required to complete internships Frequent questions from parents, students Students are usually confused, defensive, passive about their future More valuable for Liberal Studies than any other group of students
Overview of the Endicott College Model Required internships of all majors – Clinical experience in some majors Traditional majors for internships Also in all Arts and Sciences majors
Endicott’s model for Applied Learning Comprehensive academic internship program Promotes professional development Enhances and deepens learning within the discipline Fully integrated into Endicott’s identity Tied to the mission Multiple experiential learning requirements Everybody is connected to Internship! Learning-centered internships tied to academics Grounded in best practices for work-in-learning and experiential learning programming
Series of three required internships INT Hours Freshman Year Winter-term 2 Credits INT Hours Freshman Year Winter-term 2 Credits Semester Internship Full time Senior Year Fall 12 Credits
Internship 100 Pre-internship Classes and Assignments Internship Field Experience Post-Internship Reflection Foundation for Internship Sequence: Exploration of the major Start testing career options Begin to develop basic professional competencies
Internship 200 Pre-internship Classes and Assignments Internship Field Experience Post-Internship Reflection Growth: Explore a different focus within the major Explore an area in more depth Overcome challenges with search process Apply skills and knowledge
Semester Internship Student FacultySite Learning Partnership: 12 credit, graded class Strategic professional partnership Demonstration and continuation of learning Vehicle to transition to professional world
Counseling Liberal Studies students Focus on Liberal Studies – similar for all the Humanities majors Two types of students Different strategies Many interests/ideas or specific targets No idea and almost no interest
Counseling Liberal Studies students Students with ideas – Try to draw out what is the target, is it feasible Students with no ideas – Lots of hand holding - more meetings – Talk them through possibilities – Type Focus with the Career Center
Counseling Liberal Studies students Students with no ideas – Or work the other way. Look at where they live, see what are viable options. Where they have connections Takes more effort with some of them, but very worth it
Senior Seminar Two internship faculty have been teaching the liberal studies classes for 8 years, honed this class Some elements common to all sections regardless of major –Process, how are things going, common workplaces stresses/triumphs Other areas of focus
Senior Seminar Tom Harvey – Focus on leadership, building a personal brand. – Seminar provides the opportunity for guidance. – Asked to share personal writings – Extensive reflection, where have they been, where are they going. – Exploring concept of Emerging Adulthood
Student Case Summaries Joe Wildey 2007 grad INT100 The Post Star -Hometown newspaper INT200 Office of the Mayor Senior Internship -Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders - -3 years later hired by GLAD
Student Case Summaries Ryan Byrnes – 2010 grad INT100 Waived Transfer student INT200 Montserrat College of Art: Student development office Semester internship Project Adventure Hired by Project Adventure after graduation
Student Case Summaries Erin Fay 2010 grad INT100 - RISD English professor INT200 - Cambridge College -Worked with Assistant Dean -Research Semester Internship - Independent bookstore Still looking for job currently
Conclusion Valuable experience for Liberal Studies students Can be crucial in their post-college path Plans for future research Questions?