Strommen Career and Internship Center Who We Are What We Do
Keep in Mind Students look to their parents for advice and suggestions in making decisions On average, students change their major at least three times during their college career Common Feelings “Everyone is always asking me what my major is, I feel like I should have an answer” “Everyone else seems to have it figured out already” “I feel like I am making a career decision for the rest of my life” Students don’t have a solid understanding of jobs and the world of work Students think picking a major will lead to a career Students get caught up in what they think they should do, rather than what they want to do-----often influenced by parent/family/faculty/friends expectations
Career choice is not a one-time decision Many students wait too long to begin
Know Yourself Career Assessments: Interests, Preferences, and Strengths Values and Skills Explore Research Majors and Careers Job Shadowing Informational Interviewing Get Experience Internships Part-Time and Summer Jobs Volunteer Experience College Activities Prepare for Meaningful Work Job Searching and Networking Strategies Resumes and Cover Letters Interviewing Enrich Your Career Prepare for Graduate School How to be a professional Discovering next steps in your career
Parents as Partners Encourage your student to start the career planning process early Let your student make his or her own choice for a major and/or career Encourage your student to plan ahead to gain experience (internships/ jobs related to career interests/ research/ study abroad/ service-learning/volunteering/leadership/student organizations, on and off campus activities) Connect your student with friends, family members, neighbors to learn about possible careers and employers Help your student gain the qualities and skills employers look for in interns and new hires
Career & Internship Wiki Career and internship information Internship and Job postings Information for my major Resume/cover letter samples Presentations