So, you want to do an internship…. Eileen Kraemer Feb. 1, 2005
Outline Why do an internship? Finding an internship The application process The interview process
Why do an internship Earn money Obtain valuable experience Make contacts that may lead to future full-time employment Fun
Finding an internship Deadlines January – March, usually 2/15 or 3/15 Apply widely … Web Search NSF REU, NIH, HHMI, NASA Other companies and government agencies
NSF - REU National Science Foundation, Research Experiences for undergraduates. To search for a program: Programs in Alaska, Florida, California, Idaho, & more Supercomputing, Robotics, Computer Vision, Human Technology Interaction, & more Some at UGA in biology, physics, etc. -- CS students are welcome to apply Don’t limit yourself strictly to CS programs Some have deadlines this month (2/28) !!!
Other good resources AT&T Bell Labs: ACM listing of internship opportunities : Massive listing of many internship possibilities, plus links to other databases and listings Professional Scientific Organizations: Government Lab Internships: Google it!
The application process Typically, fill out an application, often online Some may require resume, transcript, etc. Often require letter of recommendation find faculty or employers willing to write a letter supply them with “ammunition” for letter – resume, bulleted list of info about yourself you’d like to see in a letter Start now
Interview? Not always required Some use phone interview Some may have in-person interview
If you do have an interview …. Appearance Before the interview Day of interview During Common mistakes Questions to ask After the interview
Appearance… Make sure clothes are clean, pressed, etc. Well groomed Conservative dress
Before the interview… Research the company You may be asked to talk about the company in the interview. Be prepared. Know about the position. Read the job requirements very carefully. Find out the location of the interview, Don’t be Late !! Decide how you will dress and make sure clothes are in proper condition Practice Questions and Answers to improve your skills. REST!!
Day of Interview Eat before you leave home. An empty stomach or too full stomach is not advisable. Don’t get distracted or too excited. Arrive early Say hello to everyone (guard, receptionist, secretary, etc). Bring any certificates or records you think the interviewer may want to see. Bring extra copies of your resume, reference letter or list.
During the Interview Be yourself and smile. Be confident (or feign confidence) Warm smile, firm handshake, eye contact, and good posture all counts Speak clearly and avoid “uh”, “you know”, and slang… Do not argue or try to prove the interviewer is wrong. Avoid answering with “yes” or “no”, elaborate and answer to the point. Stress accomplishments. Do not bore the interviewer with unnecessary details. Don’t bring up bad experiences or weaknesses voluntarily. If asked, answer truthfully but briefly.
Mistakes Candidates Make… Bad appearance or presentation. Poor expression of thoughts, including incorrect grammar. Not sure about job position or not prepared for the interview. No confidence or lack or interest. “I know everything” or “better than you” attitude. Immature or non-courteous, overaggressive or overbearing. Poor attitude. Failing to listen Inconsistency in answers Arriving late. Too concerned about salary and benefits. Speaking negatively about previous employer or others.
Questions to Ask… Never say you have nothing to ask!!! May think you are not interested or doesn’t care Ask Questions to show that you did some research about the company Ask about the position, and what is expected from the candidate, etc… If there is one interviewer, ask about his/her position and show genuine interest about what is said. Ask questions to show your interest in the company DO NOT talk about salary or benefits, unless they start.
After the interview Thank the interviewers. Shake their hands individually and thank each interviewer by name. Show confidence and interest, no matter how the interview goes. Once you leave, write down all the questions and your answers for future reference. Write down your experience, including all the good points and the bad points for future reference. Write all the information you may need in case they call you for a second interview. Send a thank you note to the interview.