Internship Project EAD 894 Flexible Grouping Shelley Chuchmuch
What is flexible grouping? Flexible grouping is grouping students accordingly to work in differently mixed groups depending on the goal of the learning task at hand. (Opitz)
Points to consider Student groups are based on performance. All groups are kept fluid. All groups are provided with higher order thinking skills. Silent reading activities are accompanied by purposeful reading and purposeful exercises.
Teachers utilize open ended assignments to provide for individual differences. Teachers are expected to use a variety of materials with an emphasis on reading whole books not sections. Student performance is assessed and observed daily. Points to consider continued...
Benefits of flexible grouping Small groups allow students to learn content but acquire interpersonal skills. Students become independent learners and are accountable for working alone or in a group. Develop skills in face to face interactions. Reduced noise levels allow for less distractions.
Benefits continued… Increases literacy knowledge that is characterized by several abilities. All learners feel part of the community. Students care about themselves and each other. More one on one interaction time with the teacher.
Implementation of flexible grouping April 2004 – met with administration to discuss the need for implementation of flexible ability grouping in the elementary school. April 2004 – met with principal to determine and schedule common teaching periods for Language Arts and Mathematics in the timetable. September 2004 – teachers met to determine needs of students and testing materials to be used to determine grouping placement. September 2004 – Teachers tested students and grouped them based on testing results from Brigance Inventory of Basic Skills, Gaites Magininity, MACII English as a Second Language Test and Math Advantage placement Tests.
Implementation of flexible grouping… September 2004 – teachers met to discuss testing results and social groupings. Students would be grouped according to chronological age and would remain with the homeroom teacher for Social Studies and Science. September 2004 – teachers met to determine how to disseminate information and decide on the common vocabulary that would be conveyed to parents about flexible grouping at Back to School night. October 2004 – students began going to respective groups for Language Arts and Mathematics. November 2004 – teachers met to determine how and who would complete report card and Individual Education Plan (IEP) May teachers met to determine when to post test June teachers met to assess results
Feedback from students Sara Hammadi Grade 5
Feedback from administration Dr. Anna Karola Director
Feedback from Administration Libby Naert Principal
Feedback from teachers Shelley Jackson Grade 4
Pre and post test results Grade 5 Language Arts and Math Brigance Testing Key: C4: Listening Comprehension vocabulary C5: Listening Comprehension D1: Word Recognition Grade Placement F1: Reading Comprehension Grade Placement F2: Reading Comprehension I1: Spelling J3: Sentence Writing Grade Placement M1: Math Grade Placement
Grade 5 Math Advantage Pre and Post test results Pre test: Class average 62% September 2004 Post test: Class average 75% May 2005
Gates MacGinitie Pre Gates MacGinitie Post MAC11 ESL Placement test Student 1Grade 1.1Grade 1.6Low G2 Beg Grade 3 Student 2Grade 2.4Grade 3.0Middle Grade 3 Student 3Grade 2.1Grade 3.0Grade 3 Student 4Grade 2.9Grade 3.6Grade 5 Student 5Grade 3.1Grade 3.5Grade 5 Student 6Grade 1.4Grade 1.6Grade 2 Student 7Grade 2.7Grade 3.6Grade 5 Student 8Grade 3.3Grade 3.6Middle Grade 3 Student 9Grade 2.2Grade 3.3Grade 3 Gates MacGinitie Reading Test MAC11 English as a Second Language English Language Grade Placement Test
Future plans…. Because of the success of flexible grouping in the Elementary school, flexible grouping will be implemented throughout the middle and high school in the school year.