The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Preparing Future Academics: Foundations Programs and Postgraduate Students Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning … supporting academics in their practice with the aim of enhancing the quality of the student learning experience …
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning UWA Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme … supporting academics in their practice with the aim of enhancing the quality of the student learning experience …
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Aim of the Scheme Enhance future employment prospects Attract and retain outstanding students
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning A Postgraduate Teaching Internship is an opportunity for postgraduate students to develop their teaching skills; undertake a program of professional development activities to assist in the development of their teaching; and develop an appreciation of academic life.
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Teaching Mix of teaching experiences Lectures Small group teaching Curriculum development
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Teaching Plan Lectures (at least one per semester but 3 in total recommended) Small group teaching Curriculum development (max 20 hours) 104 hours total Balanced across both semesters Nexus between teaching and research No need to cost teaching plan - $4000 ($2000 at beginning, $2000 at end) Changes need to be approved by the Postgraduate Internship Committee
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Professional Development The aims of the professional development are to: encourage reflection explicitly upon the nature of teaching & learning at tertiary level; enable the exchange of ideas about teaching and learning beyond an intern’s field of disciplinary specialisation; participate in professional development concurrent with the teaching experience, so that each component of the internship may inform the other; provide an opportunity to participate in a public forum on teaching and learning.
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Professional Development 50 paid hours over two semesters Foundations of University Teaching and Learning 3-day workshop plus 14 (of 20) follow-up seminars Learning Partners, Online Activities, Learning Journal, Teaching and Learning Folio, Feedback on Teaching, Critical Incident Analysis, Reflective Statement Teaching and learning project Teaching evaluation (SPOT) Activities within the School (T & L committees) Teaching and Learning Forum (Participate and encouraged to present)
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Who can apply? Currently enrolled PhD ( or professional doctorate) Full-time or part-time Scholarship or not Research proposal approved by start of the internship – January 1 Thesis not due before end of internship – December 15
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Selection criteria Academic merit Suitability for teaching internship (limited or no teaching experience) Commitment and interest in teaching (personal statement) Quality of teaching plan Second year of candidature (preference)
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Application Proforma Offical transcripts (translated) Curriculum Vitae Personal statement Two academic referees Statement from research supervisor Statement from Head of School Special consideration
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Support from your School Demonstrate close consultation with and ongoing support for the intern Statement from Head of School - Suitabliltiy for an appointment - Opportunities for development of teaching skills - Provision of facilities and resources - Consider as memeber of staff - Facilitate SPOT - Teaching plan Internship supervisor Administration
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Internship Supervisor Engage in dialogues about teaching and learning Provide feedback on teaching Facilitate opportunities within the School Assist with the project Liaise with the Research Supervisor
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Administration Staff Appointment – School Funds from T & L Committee - School pays the teaching component - CATL pays professional development Head of School report due 15 December (Proforma)
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Other considerations Emphasise interns being included as a staff member Interns missing follow-up seminars (flexibility) Interns encouraged to avoid undetaking other paid work Head of School to consider workload associated with Internship Supervision Orientation session for all new interns, Heads of School, internship supervisors.
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Other Options Introduction to University Teaching
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning Questions?