Alcohol and Drug Counseling Certificate Program Informational Session College of Extended and International Education Presented by Toni B White, LCSW ADX Coordinator/Instructor
Program overview Consists of 11courses 27 extension units—upper division Prepares students for entry into the field at a professional level Well known by treatment centers in the area Approved by most state certifying agencies CAADAC Approved Program
Courses Introduction to Alcoholism-ADX 300 Introduction to Counseling-ADX 301 Counseling the Individual- ADX 302 Perspectives on Drug Abuse- ADX 303 Group Counseling Techniques- ADX 304 Family Dynamics & Treatment- ADX 306 Seminar in Counseling Fieldwork I- ADX 351 with Counseling Fieldwork I- ADX 352 Seminar in Counseling Fieldwork II- ADX 353 with Counseling Fieldwork II- ADX 354
Courses-Elective Classes Electives Cognitive Behavior Treatment–ADX 309 (Domestic Violence ) Process Additions - ADX 311 (Covers a wide variety of Addictive Disorders) Ethical Considerations*
Transferable Classes ADX Courses transferable to Human Services Human Services transferable to ADX Courses Also, some courses are equivalent to SOC & PSY
Equivalent Courses ADX to the Human Services ADX 301 = HUS 310 ADX 304 = HEA 315 ADX 306 = SOC 320 or HIS 379 ADX 351/352 and ADX 353/354= HUS 380/381 these seven are Degree Applicable to Human Services Human Services to ADX PSY 367 or HUS 310 = ADX 301 PSY 342 or HEA 315 = ADX 304 SOC 320 or HIS 379 = ADX 306 ***Please note that the HS intern classes are NOT equivalent/transferable to the ADX internship classes
Waiver Submit Waiver Form to Administration as part of your Application Administration will notify you if approved/ granted If class(es) attended at another University, you must submit the Syllabus for the class(es) you believe fulfill(s) the ADX requested class(es)
Program Framework/Length *Students are ONLY admitted during the Fall and Spring Semesters, *Except for the Introductory Classes, Courses are offered during the Spring, Summer and Fall semesters. * Each class is offered in the EVENING only (M-Th) one day a week for 3hours: 6:30pm to 9:30pm *The program is self paced, with 90% completion rate
Program Framework/Length *Students can complete the ADX program within 4 semesters; Fall to Fall or Spring to Spring (3,3,2,1classes) * Be aware of your Financial Aid unit requirements (full time status= 6units). If above is followed, last semester is only 3units. *Students must have completed all Required 10 courses plus the 1 Elective class with at least 2.5 Grade Point Average AND all 300 Fieldwork Internship hours to receive the Certificate,
Program Framework/Length *Students MUST take ADX 351/352 BEFORE taking 353/354 *Students MAY NOT take the practicum/internship course, ADX 351/352 before the completion of two semesters or at least completion of 4 classes
Requirements for Admission Application Application Form & Official Transcripts Essay Recommendation Letters current and non relative Qualifications* Required 2 years sober Preferred Experience Admittance and Conditional/Provisional Admits Registration Financial Aid
Cost of Program Total cost of the program is $4625, plus $1300 for books/supplies; subject to change. Financial Aid- Must have 6units for financial aid Contact:
Disabled Students If you require special accommodations to succeed in your educational goals while at CSUDH, please contact Disabled Students at Please provide all paperwork to each Instructor at the beginning of the course or as soon as documentation indicating your need is received.
Important Dates Information Session Fall 2014Application Submission Contacted by Orientation at 6pm EE 1218 Attendance is REQUIRED Semester Begins Spring 2015Application Submission
Faculty *Veronica Bobe-Kollmeyer, MFT- Domestic Violence Dario Ghio, MFT - Introduction to Alcoholism Jean Henricks, Ph.D.- Intro to Counseling *Timothy Hutson, MA- Perspective on Drugs & Eating Disorder George H. Melgarejo, MA, CEAP, SAP- Group Counseling Victoria Scott, MS,CADC-II, LAADC- Individual and Family *Toni B White, LCSW, CDVC-III- Practicum Courses * Completed the ADX Certificate program.
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