Eastman Chemical Company Texas Operations
New Partnership with Louisiana Delta Community College (LDCC), Monroe, LA Existing, but young Process Technology Program Instructors eager to learn from Advisory Committee member companies Instructors’ technology background did not include Chemical Process Operations 11/07/ Eastman Chemical Company
Eastman Chemical, TXO Manufacturing Training Committee agreed to host two instructors Broad guidelines agreed upon: Five days (40 hrs.) Issued standard Visitor pass (escorted) Provided own FR coveralls and safety shoes Would not operate equipment No pay Instructors applied for CAPT grant Strong support from LDCC 11/07/ Eastman Chemical Company
Prior agreement on topics to be covered Safety Distillation Reaction Extrusion Furnaces/Boilers Waste Water Treatment Apprenticeship Training Program 11/07/ Eastman Chemical Company
Plant Tour by Safety Inspector Five areas that matched topics to be covered Prior approval from Dept. Heads Day and time to fit area’s schedule Dept. Head overview of operations SME tour and answer questions Discussions with real operators Observation of equipment and operations 11/07/ Eastman Chemical Company
Knowledge Courses (study units) Hands-On Exercises Distillation (Glass Column & Simulation) DCS (Distributed Control Systems) Operation Lock-Out / Tag-Out Process Work Permits Training Aids 11/07/ Eastman Chemical Company
Provide practical experience for Instructors Recognize completion of grueling 40 hr. internship Solicit feedback from instructors for improvement opportunities Solicit feedback from TXO Manufacturing Training Committee Provide feedback to LDCC and CAPT Strengthen partnership with Instructors (We took them to all our favorite restaurants!) 11/07/ Eastman Chemical Company