David Singer Enterprises, Inc. Presents Executive Skills Internship
Executive: One that exercises administrative or managerial control. Skills: The ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance. Internship: An advanced student or graduate usually in a professional field gaining supervised practical experience. Source: Merriam Webster Dictionary,
What is the Executive Skills Internship?
The Executive Skills Internship is a three-day consulting program in which the consultant comes into your practice observing the office in operation, interviews your staff and then works hand-in-hand with you and your staff to correct the exact problems that have held you down.
Not only will you and your consultant find and “debug” the reasons your practice hasn’t been flourishing, you will also get a yearlong plan to stabilize your practice and keep it growing.
What Are the Goals of the Executive Skills Internship?
To train you to be an executive who runs a successful practice with little or no stress.To train you to be an executive who runs a successful practice with little or no stress. To have all the “machines” in place in your practice so all you have to do is “push the right buttons,” rather than put out fires.To have all the “machines” in place in your practice so all you have to do is “push the right buttons,” rather than put out fires. To have your practice expand in the shortest possible time.To have your practice expand in the shortest possible time.
Ensure your practice expansion is stable; no more of the “roller-coaster effect.”Ensure your practice expansion is stable; no more of the “roller-coaster effect.” To create a harmonious practice that is both fun to work in and enjoyable for patients to be part of.To create a harmonious practice that is both fun to work in and enjoyable for patients to be part of. Get the four main areas of your practice producing at 100% efficiency.Get the four main areas of your practice producing at 100% efficiency.
How do I know if I need the Executive Skills Internship?
Have you hit a “ceiling” in your practice that you can’t seem to get above? Do you spend too much time trying to “get things under control” and not enough time treating patients or getting new patients? Are your staff and patients running you rather than you running them? Is it taking longer than you want to expand your practice?
Do you have great practice expansion ideas that never seem to get implemented? Does it seem like your practice never quite “gets off the ground” and you are not sure why? If any of these statements ring true, then you need to do the Executive Skills Internship.
What happens during the Executive Skills Internship?
Executive Skills Internship is very personalized. Here’s an inside look at what happens…
Day One: The consultant comes to your practice during normal operating hours, observes how things work, interviews the staff and evaluates your exact situations with regard to the main control points of the practice: Front Desk, Report of Findings, New Patients, Treatment and Administrative Flow, the Office Manager and the Doctor. The consultant does this using an observation checklist and interview questionnaires for each job in the office and, if necessary, putting the staff member through drills to see how well they can do the basic functions of their positions.
Day Two: The consultant spends the second day outside the practice with the Doctor and Office Manager, going over what he found and how he found it. He helps them iron out any differences between them. Then he debugs and trains them. He teaches them how to set up the practice for proper statistical management so they can know what is wrong and what needs to be fixed before they are hit with the inevitable problems that would occur. He trains them how to GET THINGS DONE and fix what is broken. During all this, together they work out a plan to take the clinic from where it is to where they would like it to be a year down the road.
Day Three: The consultant spends part of the day with the entire staff, including the Office Manager and Doctor. This is an ultra-intensified drilling session. When this is done the consultant wraps things up with the doctor making sure he knows what he has to do and has what he needs to get it done.
What have other clients experienced with the Executive Skills Internship?
√They are secure and the future looks bright. No more wondering how it’s going to be done. √ They get to spend most of their time doing what they love to do most: treating patients. √ Their staff comply with their wishes and work as a team. √ They don’t have staff talking behind their back. The attitude in the office is upbeat and positive. √ Their practice is well organized, so that as a natural occurrence, they have more new patients and better patient retention.
Should I try to correct my problems on my own before doing the Executive Skills Internship? Have you ever looked at someone else’s life or practice and it was easy for you to see what was wrong and what they needed to fix to make it right? It’s not so easy with your own life or practice, is it? Sometimes we just need someone else to look who doesn’t see it everyday with a fresh viewpoint.
Let’s work together to make your ideal clinic a reality!