BA (Hons) Education and Linked Named Awards University of South Wales Caerleon Campus
6 projects (42 students) in collaboration with the Riverfront Theatre and Arts Centre 4 month projects, variety of outcomes
A Christmas project aimed at young Polish children and their parents. An event for parents and toddlers to encourage them to consider Welsh medium education for their children Wales’ premier of ‘The Big Picture’ and networking event raising awareness of Dyslexia Supporting the organisation of a Variety Show event to be held Creation of a pack of resources to use in and around the Riverfront building – looking at Art and Architecture Creation of a pack of resources for an interactive event to commemorate the anniversary of World War 1.
Having an opportunity to be enterprising Making a contribution to the wider community Networking with potential employers Opportunity to develop skills in practice and reflect upon them Developing entrepreneurial effectiveness
Rebecca Coughlin – 3 rd year student Laura Harvey – 3 rd year student Denise Kane – 3 rd year student Catherine Tarling – Enterprise Engagement Manager, Bright Ideas Dr Rhiannon Packer – Senior Lecturer, BA (Hons) Education and Linked Named Awards