Supported internships Louise Jordan Team Leader for Pathways to Employment 0-25 Division, DfE
Overview of session What are supported internships? How they differ from other study programmes Bev Jessop, QAC Plenary Davina Jones, National Star College Help for colleges developing supported internships
What are supported internships?
Context Why government is introducing supported internships Who are they for? Who can offer them?
Willingness to work!
Definition of supported internships FLEXIBILITY, with 4 principles 1. Majority of time spent at an employer’s premises Comply with real job conditions 2. Personalised study programme with E&M 3. Jobs must work for employer and intern Real business need, possible recruitment 4. Support for young person and employer Job coaches
Funding Any institution or provider that has an allocation to deliver education and training from EFA can deliver SIs for year olds and young people with SEN statements / LDAs / EHC plans to academic age 25 Element 1 + Element 2 - allocated (by EFA) ‘Top up funding’ DWP’s Access to Work funding for in-work element of supported internship: travel, job coach, specialist equipment
How are supported internships different from study programmes with work experience? Not a replacement but a culmination Focus on work preparation Response to increased aspirations of young people Personalised work placements Making work placements a reality for those with more complex needs Access to Work funding We know they work – 36% vs 7%
Bev Jessop Vice Principal – Academic Queen Alexandra College
Breakout SWOT analysis: could your college offer supported internships?
Davina Jones National Star College
Setting up supported internships: available help New supported internship advice Introductory information Planning and designing supported internships Job coaching Recruiting and engaging interns Working with parents and carers Working with employers Achieving positive progression Funding Further reading
More help Preparing for Adulthood – lots on the website Evaluation of trial Other colleges Links to Fulfilling Potential and the Disability Confident Campaign