Information Session Sunday, October 26, 2014 Michigan State University College of Education & Chicago Public Schools 1
CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL’S… serves over 400,000 students in 664 Schools (August 2014). It is the nation’s third-largest school district. Elementary 420 High Schools 92 Combination Schools 4 Contract Schools 4 (2 Elementary/ 2 High Schools) Contract schools are public schools open to all CPS students. These schools are operated by private entities under contract with CPS to provide an additional education option for students. Charter Schools 108 (58 Elementary/46 High Schools/ 4 Combination Schools) Charter Schools are Public schools “chartered” by CPS and open to all Chicago children. Charters are approved by the Board of Education but operate independently from the Board and each other. Each charter school has a curriculum, schedule, calendar and admissions procedures that may differ from other public schools. Option Schools 36 (Include District, Contract and Charter ) Options schools serve students who have dropped out of traditional high schools, such as students who are over-age without enough credits to graduate and students in restricted confinement. 2
CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL’S AT A GLANCE Total: 400,545 Student Enrollment (FY ) Preschool: 23,671 Kindergarten: 30,166 Elementary (1-8): 234,679 Secondary: (9-12) 112,029 Student racial breakdown African American: 39.7% Latino: 45.2% White: 9.2% Asian/Pacific Islander: 3.9% Native American: 0.0% Multi-Racial: 1.1% Not Available: 0.8% 3
CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL’S AT A GLANCE Total Employees: 41,579 (FY ) Teachers Total: 22,519 African American: 24.3% White: 49.7% Hispanic: 18.6% Asian/Pacific Islander: 3.5% Native American: 0.4% Multi-Racial: 1.8% Unknown: 1.8% 4
CPS PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS Shoesmith Elementary Bret Harte Elementary Robinson Elementary Walsh Elementary Bronzeville Scholastic High School ALL VERY UNIQUE, INDIVIDUAL, GREAT SCHOOLS MAKING A DIFFERENCE!! 5
Examining Your Disposition WE SEEK CANDIDATES WHO: Have a demonstrated commitment to teach/work across racial or ethnic difference, with students in poverty, in urban settings. Are knowledgeable about their own values, morals, beliefs, and commitments relative to the community in which they teach. Demonstrate Personal Responsibility, Independence, and Resiliency to ensure a meaningful internship experience for themselves – and their students. 6
Selection Criteria/Considerations Successful progression to internship review. Recommendation of Team Leaders, Faculty, Instructors. UECP-GECP Program Participation. Urban Immersion Fellowship Participation. Preferential Requests by CPS. Available Placement Options. 7
MANDATORY PRE-INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE MAY 11-14, 2015 Travel via Amtrak Train & Lodging expenses are covered by the College of Education. Individuals are responsible for their own food expenses. 8
9 ESTIMATED CHICAGO LIVING EXPENSES TRANSPORTATIONCOST City Transportation – CTA/PACE $100.00/month X 9 months = $ HOUSINGCOST Internship Year$650.00/month X 9 months = $ MEALSCOST Internship Year$300.00/month X 9 months = $ TOTAL ESTIMATED CHICAGO LIVING EXPENSES $9, ESTIMATED INTERNSHIP YEAR COSTS (Regardless of placement location) TUITIONCOST *Fall & Spring Semester Grad. Cert. Rate (In-State Tuition Rate) $13, INCIDENTALCOST **Technology Accessories$ Immunization – Tuberculosis/Fingerprinting $ TOTAL INTERNSHIP TUITION, ETC. ESTIMATED COST $13, *Student tuition is determined at the rate of current In-State Fall 2014 student enrollment status. This ESTIMATED cost does not include required books/texts.
Internship Year Affordable Housing Options Current Intern Housing Tour during May 11 th – 14 th mandatory Chicago-based visit. 10
INTERNSHIP SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT WATCH FOR!!!! College of Education – Notification 11
CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5 TH YEAR INTERNSHIP FALL 2014 TIMELINE Sunday, October 26 th Information Session Erickson Hall 133D/E Monday, October 27 th CPS Internship Application Available Online - MSU College of Education website Friday, November 14 th APPLICATION DEADLINE 5:00PM Monday, November 17 th – Progression to Internship Verification Friday, November 28 th Team Leader Endorsement for Chicago Placement CPS Priority Request Week of December 1 st notification of conditionally accepted students Week of December 19 th Intern Acceptance Deadline Communication of Intern Acceptances to Team Leaders 12
CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS 5 TH YEAR INTERNSHIP SPRING 2015 TIMELINE January 2015Communication with CPS regarding placement needs March2015MANDATORY Campus-based One-Day Chicago Public Schools Internship Orientation May 11 – 14, 2015MANDATORY Chicago-based Pre-internship experience Mid-MayChicago Public Schools Online Student Teaching Application Deadline August 2015Begin Internship Year in Chicago!!! 13
Conditions for Participation in the MSU-COE Chicago Public Schools Internship Year I confirm my understanding that I must have met all Criteria For The Progression To Internship, by the end of Spring Semester 2015, as articulated on the Michigan State University, College of Education website: which include the following: Successful passing of the required Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) by the April 2015 administration. Successful completion of all teaching major and/or teaching minor(s) requirements, as well as all teacher certification coursework and other courses required for teacher certification, by the end of Spring Semester Have my bachelor’s degree conferred at the conclusion of Spring Semester 2015 (requiring no summer course enrollment except as approved). Approval of current Teacher Education Team Leader for participation. I confirm my understanding that full participation in the Chicago based internship program requires my attendance during the four-day "pre-internship" experience in Chicago, and the one-day campus based orientation. I confirm my understanding that a condition of my participation is that I must abide by Michigan State University policies, including the MSU General Student Regulations, while enrolled in the program and that I may be subject to disciplinary action for violations of those policies. 14
Conditions for Participation in the MSU-COE Chicago Public Schools Internship Year I confirm my understanding that a condition of my participation is that I will be required to attend and participate in all scheduled instruction; and I will ensure that I have in my possession the laptop and technology accessories (webcam, headset, etc.) that support my full participation in the Teacher Education professional education courses, or other required program completion courses, for which I am enrolled during my internship year. I confirm my understanding that I must secure my own housing, transportation, and other necessities in a manner that ensures my full participation in the Chicago-based program. I confirm my understanding that I must complete all Chicago Public Schools Student Teaching Application Requirements, and provide all required verification (i.e., TB Test, Fingerprints, Confidentiality Agreement, etc.) in a time and manner requested by Chicago Public Schools and Michigan State University, College of Education. ALL DEADLINES ARE FINAL. NO EXCEPTIONS. FAILURE TO MEET A DEADLINE AT ANY TIME ASSUMES DISCONTINUANCE OF CONSIDERATION FOR CPS INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT. 15
CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS STUDENT TEACHING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS STEP ONE: April – Completion of TB Test STEP TWO: May 11 th – Completion of required CPS Fingerprinting and Background Check STEP THREE: Mid May – Completion of the CPS Student Teacher Online Registration Basic Contact & Demographic Information Education & Anticipated Certification Information Uploading of TB Test Results Providing of Fingerprinting/Background Check Tracking and Print Date Information (Received on May 11 th from Accurate Biometrics) Acknowledgement of CPS Confidentiality & Student Teacher Policies Two Short-Essay Open Responses 16
INTERNSHIP STRUCTURE Placement in school cluster Chicago-based collaborative field supervision Special “CPS Course Instruction Session” will be provided by Dr. Corey Drake, Director of Teacher Education. Use of Technology Instruction Requires intern laptop 17
Chicago-based Site Coordination (Ms. Lana Brown) 18
TOP 10 REASONS YOU SHOULD COMPLETE YOUR 5 TH YEAR INTERNSHIP IN CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS As a MSU-CPS Intern… 1.Significantly increases your job marketability – school districts HIGHLY VALUE our MSU candidates who have completed their internship in the 3 rd largest school district in the United states. This has been most notable in school districts in Colorado, North Carolina, Texas, Nevada, Florida and Alaska. 2.Strong consideration by CPS for hiring opportunities – 95% of MSU applicants to CPS have been hired in full-time teaching positions in and You will be provided support through a Job Hunt and Dinner Workshop, hosted by MSU Alumna in CPS. 4.You will receive a “special” Certification Seminar conducted by Dr. Joella Cogan from our Office of Student Affairs. This occurs during the 2 nd semester of your internship and is customized specifically for Chicago Interns. 19
TOP 10 REASONS YOU SHOULD COMPLETE YOUR 5 TH YEAR INTERNSHIP IN CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS And IF you become a CPS teacher… 5.You will qualify for federal loan cancellation options. cancellation/charts/teacher cancellation/charts/teacher 6.Salaries for first year teachers in CPS start over $50,000 per year. 7.CPS has comprehensive medical, dental, and vision benefit plans. 8.CPS offers mentoring for all new teachers through the Chicago New Teacher Center. 9.CPS teachers get free admittance to all city museums. 10.CPS teachers qualify for cellular phone, gym membership and national retail discounts 20
Questions???? 21