Note: This is not a Slide in the Finished Deck The purpose of this presentation is to provide the audience with a glimpse into what you as a DOL-YES intern have experienced during your Mentorship/Internship. As you develop the content in the following slides, please make sure that you protect the confidentiality and sensitivity of any activities that you are performing for your mentor company Do not include any confidential, company information in the presentation. Use only public information. Your presentation must be approved by your industry mentor and the DOL-YES Internship Coordinator by submitting the signed Industry Mentor Endorsement form to the YES program staff.
Name of Company Student Name: Major: Length of time with company: Mentor Name:
3 Background Department: Types of Products (keep this generic and at the department level): Markets being served by my department: Target Customers of the products/processes we’re developing
4 Market Problem What is the Market Opportunity that our products address? How does the current state of the market affect our business? – What is the window of opportunity? – Who else is currently serving this market? – What major trend is driving the market? How will the products we are developing create value for the market? (how will we win in the marketplace)
5 Projects: In 3-4 bullets, briefly describe the projects you are working on, and how this relates to your academic major Type of Project(s) Relevant tools/skills being used Relationship of the project to the department’s goals Value being delivered
6 My Objectives In 3-4 bullets, describe the goals you had for the mentorship/internship (what did you hope to get out of the opportunity), and how your participation with your mentor company has helped you achieve those goals
7 Personal Responsibilities In 1-2 bullets, describe what you’ve been doing over the course of the mentorship/internship Technical tasks (top 2 or 3): Learning the business side of Engineering (how do the two connect): Managing projects: Other tasks assigned:
8 My Accomplishments How has the experience benefitted you academically, personally, and professionally? (2-3 bullet points for each should be good)
9 My Future Contributions In 3-4 bullets, describe what you’d like to work on next, how continuing with the mentor company will benefit both you and the mentor company, and from an overall perspective, the value that you’ve received from participation in the program
10 Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program under Award No Any opinions, findings, and conclusions and recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Partial support for this work was also provided by the United States Department of Labor, the State of Florida, and the UCF Office of Research and Commercialization.