Career Fairs Interviews Important Dates
Pratt and CS Spring Recruitment Kickoff ◦ Thurs Jan 19, 5:35-6:30pm, Schiciano B Resume Workshop with Pratt Alumni ◦ Sat Jan 21, 12-1:30pm TechConnect ◦ Tues Jan 24, 6-9:30pm Career & Summer Opportunities Fair ◦ Thurs Jan 26, 10am-3pm, Bryan Center Fannie Mitchell Career Exchange (FMX) ◦ Saturday Feb 4
Dress Professionally Bring Copies of Your Resume Have a plan of action before hand – map out which companies you want to talk to and where they are located RESEARCH- know a little bit about each company before you talk to them
Dress the part for the company Be consistent with facts in your resume and interview Bring a copy (or 2) of your resume with you Prepare questions beforehand ◦ Classes to prepare for job ◦ Culture? ◦ Criteria for success and failure Make sure you sell yourself! Set yourself apart
Theory: Past behavior is a predictor of future performance Method of answering questions – STAR Situation/Task – ◦ Problem you encountered ◦ Specific duties in position you held Action ◦ What YOU did (use I not we) ◦ Tangible not theoretical (no would/could haves) Result ◦ Specific result of your actions / what you learned AVOID – ◦ Vague statements- “we”, “I always”, “sometimes”
See handouts for more information on career fair advice and companies If you have a case interview make sure you prepare for them It is good to go to the career fairs even if you aren’t looking for anything- it makes it less stressful when you are!