LC-CEAL Cataloging Internship Program 2013
Purpose Share LC cataloging expertise for East Asian materials Provide educational and work experience for CEAL members who – Have been assigned to perform cataloging and work in institutions that cannot provide adequate cataloging training in languages with which they work, or – Have been assigned to catalog materials in a language with which they are not entirely conversant
Intern Eligibility Requirements Be an active CEAL member ( Be recommended by his/her employer or university with a formal letter of recommendation Have significant responsibility for East Asian resources and experience in cataloging If non-U.S. citizen, must be in a visa status that permits to work in the State
Advertisement and Selection Timeline October-December: CEAL will accept applications – Announcement via Eastlib and CEAL news blog – Application form also available on CEAL CTP web site January: CEAL CTP subcommittee will review applications received and recommend qualified candidates (up to three) to the Library of Congress February: LC will review the applications and decide upon qualifications of the applicants and the capacity of cataloging selections to accommodate intern(s) March/April: CEAL will announce the final result of selection
Internship LC will contact the selected candidate and arrange the logistics of an internship LC and the candidate will agree upon the length of the internship, its timing, its general contents, and sign a formal agreement LC will provide intern(s) with training materials, workspace, training, and review by experienced catalogers Interns and/or their employers will be responsible for arranging leave time, travel, accommodations, and meals CEAL will provide each intern with a scholarship of up to $1000 upon successful completion of the program LC and CEAL will evaluation each internship upon completion
Internship Wei Wang University of Virginia Congratulations!