Segment 2: Meetings with the Intern Schedule Topics 1
Suggested Meeting Schedule First Meeting: First day of Internship Successive meetings: Weekly, then less frequently, as determined by Mentor Final Meeting: During last week of Internship 2
Meeting Topics First Meeting Intern reviews time log with mentor Discuss required activity areas (A – I) and the 5 locations at which the activities may occur, noting activities/locations to date. Plan activities in which the intern may participate, using suggested activities provided in Segments 3-5 as a guide Intern develops Internship Plan for Mentor review 3
Meeting Topics Second Meeting and All Others Until Final Meeting Intern brings his/her Internship Plan and time log to each meeting to show progress on his/her participation in the suggested activities. On-site mentor and intern reflect upon the activities the intern has experienced and what has been learned from the experiences. Adjust Internship Plan as needed to add additional opportunities and ensure all required activity areas and locations are being sufficiently addressed. Determine which areas may need more activities. 4
Meeting Topics Prior to Final Meeting : Mentor completes Leadership Skill Assessment Final Meeting Intern finalizes time log for mentor review. Reflection of the Internship experience should occur including constructive feedback. The completed Internship Plan should be signed by both the intern and the on-site mentor. Discuss Leadership Skill Assessment Intern collects time log, Internship Plan and Leadership Skill Assessment for mailing to Internship Coordinator 5