Internship with Pathways Church Karissa Liebe Evelyn Mostrom
Description- Karissa My internship at Pathways is a support position for the Pastors, and training in how to run a ministry Write note sheets for sermons Update data bases Direct girls ministry
Description- Evelyn My position involves assisting with the direction of youth services and implementing creative elements into our events, as well as connecting with guests Write/direct skits & drama Help design promo material Worship team administrative liaison (work with worship leader) Write notes to and call guests
Goals- Karissa Youth Ministry Goals Develop a stronger, and healthier leadership team Do better at guest follow up Create new events Girls ministry Goals Create a strong group of core girls Start a website 50 girls involved by the end of the year
Goals- Evelyn Worship Team Goals Schedule more rehearsals New music Recruit musicians Creative Goals Utilize different creative elements More skits & drama, less videos More games in services = more involvement from students
Research Summary The theme for this year of ministry is excellence. My work will need to be done with that in mind We are very goal oriented. If you can’t explain to someone where you want to be you will probably never get there.
Time Line Main Events Youth Convention Oct 28-30 Adora every other Sunday Preaching November 19 and 20 Winter drama production Revolve Tour March 10
To Do Get Website running Create new bible study curriculum Note sheets Leadership meeting material Meet with worship leaders on regular basis Collaborate with youth pastor on winter drama presentation