You should have the following: 1. Check the information sign in sheets. a. The 1 st sign-in sheet is for you to indicate your 1 st period teacher’s name. b. The second sheet will be to legibly write you down if you didn’t receive my s) 2. Calendar for month of August and September 3. Time Cards for month of September up to your next meeting date which is September Dates of dismissals, daily schedules, early dismissals and 1 and 2 hour delay schedules are in your folders. 5. Remove the paperwork from your folder and return your folder to the bin.
Did you get into Remind101?
Send me a picture of you doing your internship This is worth 10 points and is not on your assignment sheet—Sorry! by September 15 please!
Forms you should have today 5. Code of Conduct needs completed and returned 6. First Quarter Goals need to be set and submitted 7. First Quarter Project Details 8. Dates of future meetings and assignments for the year. September meeting will be the entire period 3 on September 20 (worth 10 points for attendance).
Rights and Responsibilities 1. The intern will adhere to training site policy; the intern may be released for the same reasons as those for regular employees. 2. The intern must be regular in attendance during the internship. If unable to work because of an illness or unforeseen emergency, the training site and the school must be notified before the start of the normal work day. Students with excessive absences and tardiness will be removed from the program.
If you are absent…… SCHOOL AM and INTERNSHIP PM – If the intern is absent from school in the morning or he/she arrives after 10 AM, the intern is NOT TO REPORT FOR HIS/HER INTERNSHIP IN THE AFTERNOON except in very unusual situations and then SPECIAL PERMISSION MUST be secured from Mrs. Ritchey. Failure to secure special permission may result in being marked ILLEGALLY ABSENT for the day. Remember, if the intern is too sick to come to school, he/she is too sick to report to his/her internship. If the intern is unable to report to his/her internship, it is THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INTERN to call his/her mentor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Parents of interns are not to call mentors for the intern because it is the responsibility of the intern. Parents of interns need to call the school before 8:15 AM to report their son’s/daughter’s absence to the absentee hotline at , select 5. The intern must call or Mrs. Ritchey and their mentor to report their absence or appointment by 8:15 AM. Phone - Mrs. Ritchey Ext or text with the intern name to or to INTERNSHIP AM and SCHOOL PM –If the intern is too sick to attend his/her internship and school on any school day, the school MUST BE CONTACTED by a parent to report the intern’s absence. Parents need to call the school before 8:15 AM to report their son’s/daughter’s absence to the absentee hotline at , select 5. The intern must also call or Mrs. Ritchey and their mentor to report their absence or appointment by 8:15 AM. Phone - Mrs. Ritchey Ext or text to or to If the intern reports to the school that they are sick and then reports to their internship, the intern will be marked ILLEGALLY ABSENT and the proper disciplinary action will be taken. If the intern is assigned to ACE he/she is not permitted to report to their internship on the day(s) of their assignment.
REMEMBER: If you report to the school that you are sick and then go to your internship - YOU will be marked ILLEGALLY ABSENT and the proper disciplinary action will be taken.
3. The intern is expected to wear attire appropriate for the workplace. NOTHING REVEALING!!! When in doubt— don’t wear it!! 4. Look at yearly dates of meetings and assignments for the entire year. Do not set up appointments, plan ahead because attendance is taken and points are awarded for attendance. Do not come to me and ask to be excused because you will not receive your points. Some meetings will not take the entire period and you can return to class. 5. Being a member of the Intern Program does not give you any special privileges or rights. You are still a student and must obey all school rules and regulations. Failure to do so may result in being dropped from the program. It is not ok to hang out in a classroom if you do not report to your internship that day. If you are informed not to report then Mrs. Ritchey must know this.
6. It is important to maintain a C average in your classes. If not, seek help to avoid removal from the intern program. 7. You must SIGN-IN/SIGN-OUT in the High School Office every day without fail. You should sign-in/out IMMEDIATELY before leaving or entering the building. Failure to sign-out or sign-in will result in your being removed from the program. 8. If you are assigned to the ACE Room you are not allowed to report to your Internship on the day(s) of your assignment. Your Internship is part of your school experience and therefore included in the disciplinary action.
9. Students with excessive absences and tardiness will be removed from the Intern Program. 10. Time cards and journals are due on Mondays by 2:30 in my mailbox or outside of my door. Typed if handwriting is poor. Worth 19 points if submitted after Tuesday at 2:30 If not submitted by Friday of the week it is now worth 18/20 Every week will have 2 points deducted for lateness If not submitted after two weeks you will be sit in my office until assignments are turned in. Calls will be made to mentor to ask about your attendance this year.
DTSD Interns If you are an intern here in Derry Township School District and intern during period 6 an 7 each day, you should go to see Mrs. Angie Cooney in the district office during period 7 today. She is the person who will give you name badges which must be worn every day! If you do not have period 7 as your internship time then you will need to contact Mrs. Cooney today and arrange a time.