Certifiabilty Students enrolled in either of the Associate Degree Criminal Justice programs looking to become certifiable must complete core criminal justice courses for their program within three years. The clock starts for a college certification track student on the first day the student enters into a core criminal justice course.
Core Criminal Justice Courses for Certifiability Intro to Criminal Justice Constitutional Law Criminal Law Community Policing Strategies Traffic Theory Professional Communications Juvenile Law Protective Services – Tech Reporting Criminal Investigation Tactical 1 Tactical 2 SFST Emergency Response Police Traffic Radar Law Enforcement Internship CJ-Job Interviews & Resume Writing Corrections Administration POSC Jail Health & Fire Safety Corrections Security Correctional Sociology Corrections Law CJ-Job Interviews & Resume Writing Law EnforcementCorrections
Criminal Justice Advanced Standing Certificate Law Enforcement Internship – 2 credits PS Interviews/Resume Writing – 1 credits Police Traffic Radar – 2 credits SFST/Drugs That Impair Driving – 2 credits Tactical 1 – 3 credits Tactical 2 – 2 credits Students must have 30 credits from the Law Enforcement program to enroll
Student folders must be complete before enrolling in Tactical 1, POSC, and/or Jail Health & Fire Safety *Stop by CB102 for your certification packet*
Prerequisites Tactical 1: Constitutional Law, PS-Job Interviews & Resume Writing Tactical 2: Tactical 1, Traffic Application, SFST/Drugs that Impair Driving Police Traffic Radar: Traffic Application