SUCCESS at UMBC: Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Quintanna Moody, UMBC Student Rachael Faulkner, Maryland Department of Disabilities
Nationally Over 200 programs available including: 2-Year Colleges 4-Year Colleges and Universities Tech/Trade School Residential Options
Data Youth with intellectual disabilities who participated in postsecondary education were 26% more likely to exit the vocational rehabilitation program with employment and they earned a 73% higher weekly income. Migliore, A. & Butterworth, J., Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities. DataNote Series, Data Note XXI. Boston, MA: Institute for Community Inclusion.
Value of Postsecondary Experience for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: Enhanced employment outcomes Opportunity to develop problem solving skills and independence Ability to access adult learning opportunities and develop a desire for lifelong learning Expanded social networks Opportunity to connect learning to personal desired outcomes Socially valued roles and experience
Additional Value Programs such as SUCCESS with it’s peer to peer emphasis reinforce the skills and abilities of individuals with intellectuals disabilities which should translate into better opportunities for all individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Federal Efforts The Higher Education Opportunity Act Amendments 2008 Allows students with ID attending Comprehensive Transition Postsecondary programs (CTP) to be eligible for: Pell Grants Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants Federal Work-Study Programs
History in Maryland Dual enrollment programs for students years old to attend community college while in high school ◦ Availability and components vary widely across local school systems ◦ Not all incorporate employment goals ◦ Limited number of slots
History in Maryland Interest from parents in DC metro area due to George Mason University LIFE program Summer 2011 MDOD approached UMBC Shriver Center about a 4 year program 2013 Maryland General Assembly created a Task Force to Study the Impact of Expanding Credit and Noncredit Courses to Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Criteria Students must: Be a full time resident of Maryland and have an intellectual disability Autism may be secondary, but ID must be primary disability Have exited high school with a Certificate of Completion Be at least 21 years old and no older then 24 Be able to read at a 3rd grade level (minimum requirement) Have knowledge of basic mathematics and the ability to use a calculator Have knowledge of basic keyboarding skills and the ability to use a computer Exhibit conduct and behavior that are age appropriate Have the ability to function independently for a sustained period of time Have the ability to be successful in competitive employment situations Have the desire and motivation to complete a postsecondary program Have a willingness to complete all assignments with support Must be eligible for the DDA Waiver to receive funding for tuition
Additional Discussion Designed for students who can not otherwise access higher education Does not result in college credits or a degree First and second year are defined in terms of coursework and internships; 3 rd and 4 th will be much more individualized Using a person centered planning process
Funding Original intent was for families would cover all costs; families had limited time to save For current cohort, DDA is paying $8,000 and DORS $2,000 each year to cover tuition and fees (see DDA guidance) Families are responsible for providing transportation Plan for future is to get approval as a Comprehensive Transition Postsecondary program to qualify for federal financial aid
Residential Residential component creates a unique opportunity for independence to develop There are currently no on-campus residential options for students in the SUCCESS Program Private residential options do exist in communities surrounding UMBC; anticipated cost is $20,000 or more annually There is currently no funding for residential; families would be responsible for 100% of the costs
2012 & 2013 Students
14 students ◦ 6 from 2012 and 8 from 2013 ◦ From Baltimore, Carroll, Howard, Montgomery and Prince George’s counties ◦ All commuters Follow UMBC Academic Calendar 9:45-4:00 pm Monday through Friday
Curriculum First Year Seminar Service Learning Project Independent Living course Health and Wellness Personal Awareness Financial Literacy Book Club/Writing On Campus Internship (Mon-Thur)
Internships & Summer Internship sites include: ◦ Academic departments ◦ Retail ◦ Childcare ◦ Food service ◦ Other Students have the opportunity to change internships if they choose Summer employment with support from DDA and/or DORS
Student Engagement Students are fully enrolled: ◦ Build transcript ◦ Receive ID card ◦ Have equal access to library, gym, etc. Peer volunteers are integrated into all aspects of program except independent living classes Except for independent living classes, all courses are integrated
Applications will be available in later winter 2014 Open houses available Already receiving interest from students and families Families interested in applying need to discuss with resource/service coordinators and DORS staff to ensure it is incorporated in student’s service funding and IPE plans
Future Planning Cohort of 8 new students per year, each cohort attends for 4 years and exits with certificate Total of 32 students at UMBC at any given time Hope to offer ability to access Federal Financial Aid and on campus housing Exploring potential career tracks, individualization and integration into existing courses of interest
Additional Information Families should contact: Nan Brittingham, Director Constituent Services Program Maryland Department of Disabilities