Using the Work Based Learning Plan Sign-In, Navigation and Evaluation Connecting Activities is an activity of the Youth Council of the Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board Inc.
Using the WBLP Sign-In and Navigation How to sign-in to the online WBLP How to navigate the online WBLP
Go to
Sign in with your username (your address) and password, previously sent to your , in the sign-in area on the home page. Then click GO.
Each time you sign in, you will see a personalized welcome screen. Click CONTINUE.
Next, you will see your main menu screen. Records for your interns/participants will be listed on this main menu.
Notice other options on this page, including: My Account: to change your password at any time. Signout: to sign out, at the top of any screen.
Complete your evaluation by clicking the Reviews button.
This is the Reviews screen. Please be sure to click SAVE once you have completed the evaluation. Click on Step-4 Reviews at the top to return to the Reviews screen from any other screen in the WBLP.
If you need assistance determining an intern/participant’s performance level click on optional rubric worksheet. The rubric worksheet provides a checklist to help you think about performance ratings for the WBLP. Check one or more boxes that best describe the participant’s work performance and click View suggested rating. You can use the suggested rating in the performance review for that skill. Click close worksheet to exit the worksheet.
To read details of intern/participant’s job description, before completing your evaluation, click on Step 2-Job Description and Foundation Skills The job description is a brief description of the work, and background about the organization. The Foundation Skills, which are pre-written, describe basic professional skills required by all jobs.
To read details of intern/participant’s job description & foundation skills before you begin the evaluation, click on Step 3- Workplace/Career Skills The Workplace and Career Specific Skills are specific skills Connecting Activities has defined for the work experience.
Using the WBLP Completing Your Evaluations What is the WBLP evaluation? What are best practices for providing performance reviews? What tools and resources are provided with the WBLP to support effective performance reviews?
The Work-Based Learning Plan Performance Review evaluates your intern/participant’s Foundation Skills and the Workplace and Career Specific Skills.
Participants are reviewed twice during their internship or work experience. The first review provides a baseline, and is conducted early in the internship or work experience. The second review shows level of improvement and is conducted near the end of the internship or work experience.
These are the Foundation Skills that make up the first portion of the evaluation. This skill set is the basic expectation for the internship or work experience, and all interns should be evaluated on these skills.
Performance Review Scale Definitions 1 – Performance Improvement Plan Needed: used when it is important to formally talk through issues and make a plan for improvement with intern. 2 – Needs Development: used when intern has not yet fully demonstrated the skill and needs to focus more on development of that skill area. 3 – Competent: indicates the intern is demonstrating this skill. 4 – Proficient: used when intern has shown initiative in skill development. 5 – Advanced: used when intern has shown initiative in skill development and their work has made a specific contribution to your department or organization.
This is an example of a correctly completed review. The Performance Scale shows improvement in the intern/participant’s skill levels. Comments and Goals reflect the performance rating.
This is an example of an incorrectly completed review. The Performance Scale shows no improvement or difference in any the skill levels. Comments and Goals do not reflect the performance rating.
Performance Review Process Includes: A meeting with the participant, supervisor and Connecting Activities program staff. –The tasks to determine the workplace and career specific skills will be determined during this meeting. –The meeting should provide opportunity for conversation and setting goals. Goals may be about strategies for learning and improving skills, new projects, or tasks. Completion of the Evaluation, e.g. assigning performance review ratings (1- 5) for each skill on the WBLP and writing goals/comments –The WBLP may be printed, signed and copies made for the participant and for the program’s files. Or, if the electronic copy is sufficient (and the participant has access electronically) then you can check off and date the review while completing the online evaluation.
About Providing Feedback Good advice and feedback… Is honest and realistic Recognizes what is going well as much as what needs to be improved Focuses on work-related situations Focuses on results and outcomes Does not “label” the person Does not make predictions about future success or failure Focuses on how the person can improve Makes the person feel at ease Maintains dignity Is given in a private setting Helps the person to engage in problem solving
About Providing Feedback When giving feedback verbally: Ask questions to help the participant think about performance, strengths, and areas for improvement. Ask questions to help the participant think about solutions to problems. Briefly explain your workplace’s expectations and give reasons for them. Suggest simple strategies, using “I” statements or “you might try” rather than “you should” or “you shouldn’t.” Describe ways that you or other co-workers or staff have solved a similar problem or approached a similar situation. Ask questions about the future – is there anything the student/intern/employee would like to learn or explore next? When writing goals and comments: Be brief and clear. Combine positive and corrective feedback. Focus on future actions and opportunities to learn more.
Questions? Please contact Connecting Activities staff at ext. 5 for further assistance completing your evaluations. Thank you! Connecting Activities is an activity of the Youth Council of the Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board Inc.