H-Tech: Objective European online university Technical and humanist For students around the world Engineering Bachelors and Masters degrees
H-Tech: Motivation Developing countries and the economy 95% to Britain, Canada, the U.S., Australia A market for European education The maturity of online learning systems
H-Tech: Features Technology + Humanism Annual visit to France Bachelor and Master degrees Bilingual: French and English Modularity and Quality Vigilant Pedagogy Visible and efficient operation International partnerships
H-Tech: Strategy Volunteer profs Re-engineering of existing materials Degrees from existing schools Financed by a consortium Eventual Europeanization
H-Tech: First Phase Master’s in Computer & Communication Engineering Consortium of schools: ECN, EMN, EPUN, UTC Students from selected Asian cities Opens in the Spring of 2004
H-Tech: Master’s Program Two years 16, five-credit courses (80 ECTS credits) 6-month internship (40 credits) Online, plus on-site in France Four 10-week terms
H-Tech: Courses Computer Science and Software Engineering Computer Systems Architecture Database Management Systems Knowledge management Network Protocols and Systems Virtual Reality Telecommunication systems Telecommunication Science and Technologies Wireless Communication Systems Real-time Communication Systems Signal processing Communication Multimedia Technologies Mass Communication Industries Principles of Human Communication Web Site Development User Interface Design Culture and Management Project Management French Language Scientific Culture Quality Management
H-Tech: Pedagogy Quality > Quantity Frequent monitoring of students Evaluation of student work online Regular on-site testing
H-Tech: Pedagogy Content: Courses assembled from atoms and bricks Frequent exercises for students Student microprojects and tests Database of online resources Long-term student project
H-Tech: Course Structure 10 weeks long 5 hours of work per week for the student Each course includes: Key Concepts (at least 1 per week) (online) Database of Resources (online) Student Exercises (1 per week) (online, offline) Student Tests (every two weeks) Student Project (online) (Individual and Team) Discussions with other students and prof (online) Various Evaluations (online and onsite)
H-Tech: Pedagogy The Prof’s responsibility: Definition of objectives Return of assignments Organizing discussion Response to questions Periodic video clips …with the help of Teaching Assistants
H-Tech: Pedagogy Evaluation of results: Student exercises Microprojects Student presentations on the Web On-site tests
H-Tech: Platform Use WebCT at UVPL Build Our Own
H-Tech: Platform WebCTH-Tech Course buildingCan be done by teachers Must be done by staff Design & graphics WebCT design & graphics only H-Tech design and graphics Communication Tools Chat, discussion, whiteboard Build or license custom Testing toolsSimple testsBuild customized tests Administrative tools Password access, enrollment (UVPL) Build password access ContentWebCT content library Link to Web content
H-Tech: Calendar Start-up Meeting in France (2 weeks) Term 1 (10 weeks) (4 courses) (20 credits) Term 2 (10 weeks) (4 courses) (20 credits) Mid-way Meeting in France or Asia(1 week) Term 3 (10 weeks) (4 courses) (20 credits) Term 4 (10 weeks) (4 courses) (20 credits) Residence in France:( weeks ?) (40 credits) Internship in lab Course in scientific culture Validation on-site Total (71 weeks) (16 courses) (1 internship) (120 credits)
H-Tech: Course Outline Name of Course Summary Objectives Pre-requisites Software Project Topics (10) Grading criteria Resources