- PONDEROSA – INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES One of PHS’s high quality exploratory programs. One of PHS’s high quality exploratory programs. IT is designed to offer all student a place to explore Technical and Industrial content both for fun and future. IT is designed to offer all student a place to explore Technical and Industrial content both for fun and future. IT then offers upper level courses that will bring a student up to Career Level training or College Preparation in Construction, Manufacturing and Engineering Degrees. IT then offers upper level courses that will bring a student up to Career Level training or College Preparation in Construction, Manufacturing and Engineering Degrees.
-- Industrial Tech Instructors -- Mr. Rogers Basic Electronics, Computer Electronics, A+ Computer Repair, CAD Drafting, Architectural Drafting, Advance CAD Drafting, Technology Exploration Mr. Bliler Automotive Technology I, Automotive Technology II, CTE – NATEF Certification National Automotive Technician Education Foundation Mr. James Beginning Woodworking, Advanced Woodworking, Technical Drafting, CAD Drafting
- Industrial Tech Offers - “Entry Level Exploratory” courses: “Entry Level Exploratory” courses: Technical Drafting Technical Drafting Electronics & Residential Wiring Electronics & Residential Wiring Technology Exploration Technology Exploration Woodworking Woodworking Auto-mechanics Auto-mechanics “Advanced Career and Technical” courses: “Advanced Career and Technical” courses: these build on previous skills to prepare students these build on previous skills to prepare students to enter a career right away or pursue Technical Degrees i.e. Engineering
- Industrial Tech Goal - To provide opportunity for all students to expand their abilities and interests in technical and industrial skills that will lead to post high school opportunities as a Career or College continuing education. Preparing students to become skillfully employed. To provide opportunity for all students to expand their abilities and interests in technical and industrial skills that will lead to post high school opportunities as a Career or College continuing education. Preparing students to become skillfully employed. To educate all students to be informed consumers living in a technical world To educate all students to be informed consumers living in a technical world To try out technical and Industrial To try out technical and Industrial subjects in a safe and encouraging subjects in a safe and encouraging environment. environment.
- Industrial Tech Incorporates - Facilities that combine Technological and Industrial equipment to allow students hands-on experiences. Facilities that combine Technological and Industrial equipment to allow students hands-on experiences. Curriculum that is state-of-the-art and up-to-date with Industry and Technical requirements. Curriculum that is state-of-the-art and up-to-date with Industry and Technical requirements. Industry Partnerships to keep our curriculum and facilities current and up- to-date. Advisory committees consisting of industry professionals. Industry Partnerships to keep our curriculum and facilities current and up- to-date. Advisory committees consisting of industry professionals. Computer and Web Based Training (CBT) – so students can access course curriculum at home and provides them with interactive activities and simulators to enhance their learning experience.
Douglas County continues it’s role in offering “Career and Technical Education” course that will meet the needs of career seeking student post high school. Douglas County continues it’s role in offering “Career and Technical Education” course that will meet the needs of career seeking student post high school. By the time your students are Juniors and Seniors Douglas County will have course up and running that will allow students to receive industry service certifications with college credit opportunities. By the time your students are Juniors and Seniors Douglas County will have course up and running that will allow students to receive industry service certifications with college credit opportunities. - Examples - A+ Computer Repair, Network Technicians, Home Electronics Installers A+ Computer Repair, Network Technicians, Home Electronics Installers Automotive Service Technicians, Fleet Maintenance Technician, Internship positions Automotive Service Technicians, Fleet Maintenance Technician, Internship positions CAD Drafting and Design CAD Drafting and Design Construction Technology and Trade Construction Technology and Trade - Industrial Tech Supports CTE -
Thank you for listening Come see me at the “Industrial Technologies” Display Table for more information or room # 235 Automotive Tech 231a Electronics 230 Construction Tech 232 Drafting/CAD