Defining a Framework
Crisis Stability No peace – No war Human Insecurity Conflict Settlement Transition Stability Human Insecurity Conflict Complex Emergencies Political activities to prevent / /mitigate/ stop the conflicts Humanitarian activities to prevent/mitigate the consequences of armed conflicts
Maintaining Health – Stopping/preventing Human Right Violations Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation Dissemination IHL Providing health services Caring for the wounded Assessing violations of IHL Looking for the missingTracing family members Supporting social services Early Warning Education Adapting National Law Protection of the POW Providing economic support AdvocacyHumanitarian Diplomacy
Political Activities Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Demobilization of soldiers Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Early Warning Education Human Right Promotion Organizing the Police
In reality … Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Conflict Prevention Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of Hostilities Democratization Human Right Promotion Organizing the Police Dissemination IHL Providing health services Caring for the wounded Assessing violations of IHL Looking for the missing Tracing family members Supporting social services Early Warning Education Adapting National Law Protection of the POW Providing economic support Advocacy Humanitarian Diplomacy Conflict resolution
PPR Complexity and Stakeholders Political actors and Humanitarian actors
PPR Actors an Crisis Management Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation Political Actors Humanitarian Actors Political Activities Humanitarian Activities
PPR Political Actors Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation Armed forces / groups UN: Security Council PK forces States Belligerants ……….
PPR Humanitarian Actors Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation ICRC National RC/RC societies IOM UNHCR NGOs WHO ………
PPR Political and Humanitarian Actors Armed forces / groups UN: Security Council PK forces States Belligerants ………. ICRC National RC/RC societies IOM UNHCR NGOs WHO ……… Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation
PPR NGOs in Afghanistan Afghanistan: A Call for Security June 17, 2003 We the undersigned humanitarian, human rights, civil society and conflict prevention organizations call on the international community to accord NATO a robust stabilization mandate in Afghanistan. This mandate should include the expansion of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to key locations and major transport routes outside of Kabul and the active support for a comprehensive program of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of all militia forces outside the control of the central government. Current efforts to train representative, professional Afghan national security forces must be accelerated.
PPR NATO and Humanitarian Action in the Kosovo Crisis The world’s response to the Kosovo crisis dramatizes the increased role of international military forces in humanitarian action. Some people view this development positively as the harnessing of the military for humanitarian tasks; others are alarmed at the perceived militarization of humanitarian action SourceLarry Minear, Ted van Baarda, and Marc Sommers - Publication Date 2000
PPR Who are the Actors Belligerants States UN General Assembly UN Security Council Private companies USAID ECHO Medias Human rights organisations National Societies of RC/RC UNHCR UNICEF WHO NGOs ICRC Political Humanitarian
Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Conflict Prevention Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of Hostilities Democratization Human Right Promotion Organizing the Police Dissemination IHL Providing health services Demobilization of soldiers Assessing violations of IHL Looking for the missing Tracing family members Supporting social services Early Warning Education Adapting National Law Protection of the POW Providing economic support Advocacy Humanitarian Diplomacy Conflict resolution Political Humanitarian Belligerants States UN General Assembly UN Security Council PK Forces, NATO Private companies USAID ECHO Medias Human rights organisations National Societies of RC/RC UNHCR UNICEF WHO NGOs ICRC Maintain Protect Human Security
Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Conflict Prevention Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of Hostilities Democratization Human Right Promotion Organizing the Police Dissemination IHL Providing health services Demobilization of soldiers Assessing violations of IHL Looking for the missing Tracing family members Supporting social services Early Warning Education Adapting National Law Protection of the POW Providing economic support Advocacy Humanitarian Diplomacy Conflict resolution Political Humanitarian Belligerants States UN General Assembly UN Security Council PK Forces, NATO Private companies USAID ECHO Medias Human rights organisations National Societies of RC/RC UNHCR UNICEF WHO NGOs ICRC Maintain Protect Human Security Normative Framework: Values, Law, Principles, Policies, Guidelines Time frame: Stability Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stability
Providing health services Providing water Psychosocial support Immunization Providing food support Providing economic support Providing shelter Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Demobilization of soldiers Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of hostilities Democratization Conflict resolution Organizing the Police UN: Security Council PK forces, NATO States Belligerants ………. ICRC National RC/RC societies IOM UNHCR NGOs WHO ……… Human Security of Affected Population Dissemination IHL Dealing with sexual violences Monitoring HR Preventing HR violations Assessing conduct of hostilities Humanitarian Diplomacy Promoting HR Law Public Health Response to CE
Providing health services Providing water Psychosocial support Providing economic support Coercitive diplomaty Embargo on weapons Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of hostilities Conflict resolution UN: Security Council PK forces, NATO States Belligerants ………. ICRC National RC/RC societies UNHCR WHO ……… Dealing with sexual violences Preventing HR violations Assessing conduct of hostilities Humanitarian Diplomacy Identification - Interaction
Normative Framework: Values, Law, Principles, Policies, Guidelines Time frame: Stability Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stability Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Demobilization of soldiers Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of hostilities Democratization Conflict resolution Organizing the Police Human Security of Affected Population Public Health Respect of Human Rights Influence on Political Activities Influence on Political Actors Influence of Actors in Health
PPR The complexity of Interactions in Interventions Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Conflict Prevention Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Conduct of Hostilities Democratization Human Right Promotion Organizing the Police Dissemination IHL Providing health services Demobilization of soldiers Assessing violations of IHL Looking for the missingTracing family members Supporting social services Early Warning Education Adapting National Law Protection of the POW Providing economic support AdvocacyHumanitarian Diplomacy …… Conflict resolution …… Belligerants States UN General Assembly UN Security Council PK Forces, NATO Private companies USAID ECHO Medias Human rights organisations National Societies of RC/RC UNHCR UNICEF WHO NGOs ICRC Political Humanitarian Economic Embargo Economic Support NGOs NATO
PPR Theoretical Framework for Crisis Management Preventive diplomacy Coercitive diplomaty Demobilization of soldiers Peacekeeping operations Embargo on weapons Economic embargo Peace enforcement with military means Organization and monitoring of elections Early Warning Conduct of Hostilities Disarmament Organizing the Police Dissemination IHL Providing health assistance Demobilization of soldiers Assessing violations of IHL Looking for the missingTracing family members Supporting social services Early Warning Preventing displacement Preventing torture Protection of the POW Providing economic support AdvocacyHumanitarian Diplomacy Armed forces / groups UN: Security Council PK forces States Belligerants ………. ICRC National RC/RC societies IOM UNHCR NGOs WHO ……… Stable situation Crisis Armed Conflict Transition Stable situation Affected People