The 40 th Anniversary of the Oil Embargo – Looking Ahead 100 Days Transportation Fuels and Energy: All of the Above in Cranking Up All Vehicular, Air and.


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Presentation transcript:

The 40 th Anniversary of the Oil Embargo – Looking Ahead 100 Days Transportation Fuels and Energy: All of the Above in Cranking Up All Vehicular, Air and Water Transportation Systems Presenter: Bill Holmberg, Biomass Coordinator, Website: Wednesday October 16 th, 2013

Ethanol Production Increases Ethanol Excise Tax Exemptions Department of Energy Opens Office of Alcohols Fuels Reformulated Gasoline Regulations RFS* 10 years 15 years 7 years ? ? Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) – 32 billion gallons of alternative low carbon, high octane fuels by 2020, E-15 authorized for most cars and Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) – require vehicles to obtain 54.5 mpg by will likely show no increase in ethanol production 2014 is dependent on EPA action

All of the Above to the Rescue Ethanol and the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) are under serious attack by the oil industry and a wide range of industries that support them. “All of the Above” and EPA support will save the day for the RFS. EPA, must: – Reduce harmful aromatics in gasoline to be replaced by high-octane, low-carbon alcohol fuels. – Incentivize Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) – Promote Blender Pumps

Reduce Aromatics in Gas More Blender Pumps More FFVs *Save ethanol in the U.S. *Birth of methanol in the U.S. EPA Controlling the New Horizon

Transportation Fuels: “All of the Above,” Cranking Up Vehicular Systems Transportation fuels/energy power all types of vehicles, airplanes, ships/boats, as well as the attending industries and infrastructures. They include:  Renewable Liquid fuels (RLF) (ethanol, methanol from biomass/biogas and organic waste, biodiesel, “drop-in” biofuels and d-methyl ether)  Electricity & Biogas  Hydrogen & Nitrogen  Natural Gas & Methanol  Fracking Gas, Oil, Coal, Oil Shale & Tar Sands Entry into the market place depends on EPA actions and cooperation from the auto industry.

Governing Factors for Transportation Fuels/Energy and Vehicles They boost fuel/energy production, lower costs and impact current and future investments:  Free Market Forces  Energy and National Security  Job Creation  Carbon Footprint and other Ecological Considerations  Advancing Technologies

Benefits of All of the Above Approach National Energy Security Economic Development Genuine Competition Speeding the Elimination of World Oil in Setting the Price for Transportation Fuels Reducing the National Debt Job Creation Reduction in CO2 Emissions Savings to the US Could Exceed Half a Trillion Dollars Advancing the Sustainability of the Planet

The Role of EPA and Congress EPA uses its authority and legal responsibility to act immediately. 3 critical needed actions for EPA are: – Reduce the level of aromatics in gasoline to improve public health and thus expand the market for RLF – Increase incentives for the production of FFVs – Work with DOT, DOE and USDA to deploy blender pumps and storage tanks The Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) stays on course to eliminate the ethanol blend wall and provide the foundation for the Open Fuels Standard (OFS) supporting all alcohols and reinforcing FFV and blender pumps

National Security RLFs and “scrubbed up” domestic fossil fuels provide the United States enhanced national security benefits. Eliminating imports would save the U.S. $ billion, when considering costs of the defense budget dedicated to keeping oil flowing throughout the world. The United States looks to domestic energy sources in the interest of protecting its citizens and the climate.

Advancing Second-Generation Biofuels Expand the RLF industry and open the marketplace for “drop- in” biofuels, such as bio-butanol, and cellulosic biofuels. Drop-in fuels require minimal changes to existing infrastructure and can move freely through pipelines to terminals to fueling stations to vehicles to engines. Cellulosic biofuels should receive incentives as ethanol has throughout its history to compete with fossil fuels.

International Progress in RFLs China and Israel:  are advancing a range of methanol blends in their marketplaces. Brazil:  produced 5.5 billion gallons of ethanol in 2012  23% of road transport fuel demands are met by ethanol.  90% of all new vehicles sold are FFVs.

Steps Forward To advance All the Above, a special effort must be made to work cooperatively with: – The automobile industries in producing FFV, embracing 93 octane to increase engine efficiency, and promoting blender pumps – The gasoline retailers associations with blender pumps – The finance communities in support of conventional and advanced biofuels

Leading the Way in the U.S. As citizens of the US, we have an imperative to – reduce our national debt – create middle-class jobs – reduce our CO2 emissions We must lead the way in the All of the Above on this 40 th anniversary of the oil embargo. The race is on! It’s time to lead!