Wits By Charl Roberts & Felix N. Ubogu University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 IR at Wits - General Making use of a DSPACE system with Manakin Around 900 ETD’s currently on the system 100’s past exam papers Uploads are done by Library Technical Services and not by students, uploads done when hard copy is catalogued Students are assisted by online tutorials and the Library Education & Training Section to prepare their documents for submission Students can book online to get help and have their work converted into PDF
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Faculty Support for ETD at Wits Met with Faculty and discussed proposed workflow Investigated how ETD would affect the Faculty workflows At Wits each Faculty has their own workflow Process is streamlined at Wits with contacts in the Library and at Faculty level
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 ETD Workflow at Wits Faculty sends copies to the University Archives Archives keeps unbound copy, send the digital and bound copy to the Cullen Library (WCL) WCL sorts copies, sends it on to WWL (Wartenweiler Library) WWL – Catalogued and loaded onto ETD system Rejected Copies forwarded to Faculty who contacts the student Student submits to Faculty final copy
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Present and future of CDs produced for the ETD Project Currently at Wits the CD’s or DVD’s are sent back to the Cullen Library to be stored Wits is investigating the best way to handle and benefit from these materials Any feedback from other participants on this issue would be appreciated
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Access Policies Wits is restricting access off campus for the first 4 months after publishing, with full text becoming available after this period Any thesis with an embargo is not uploaded to the system This policy recently changed from a 2 year embargo on full text
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Student Declaration I hereby certify that the work is original and its making does not constitute and infringement of any copyright and that copyright subsists in the work of which I am the owner. I hereby certify that where any document of which I am not the owner is to be included in my Thesis or other Degree document, I have obtained and attach hereto the written consent of the owner who holds the copyright to such document, allowing distribution as specified below. I further certify that the version I submitted to the University is the same as that approved by my Faculty and, in the case of a doctoral Degree, by Senate. I hereby grant to UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, Johannesburg and its agents the non exclusive right to archive and make accessible to the public upon such conditions as the University may determine, my Thesis or other Degree document in its entirety in all forms of media, now or hereafter known.
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Issues with ETD at Wits Workflow and communication Rejected ETD’s Long term preservation Cataloguing Issues Image copyright Access Policy
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Positive aspects of ETD at Wits PDF and student help system working well Acceptance that ETD is here to stay and mandatory if students want to graduate Reduction of 2 year embargo (now only 4 months) Library staff well informed Showcase for our IR
NETD Workshop,5 November 2007 Thank you