美国 EBSCO 出版社 综合学科参考全文数据库的利用与查阅 栗贝阳 EBSCO Publishing June, 2008.


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SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
万方数据检索使用培训 林松生 上海万方数据有限公司 江苏区域经理 中信所情报学硕士
公丕俭 EBSCO Publishing Nov, 2007
Presentation transcript:

美国 EBSCO 出版社 综合学科参考全文数据库的利用与查阅 栗贝阳 EBSCO Publishing June, 2008

Change and Growth … EBSCOhost is an evolving organism

Something, somewhere went terribly wrong … half joking!


= EBSCO full-text databases are in every public library = EBSCO full-text databases are in many public libraries = EBSCO full-text databases are not yet in many public libraries U.S. Public Libraries by State November 2007

什么是 EBSCOhost? EBSCOhost 是可以通过互联网直接连接的在线参考信息系 统平台。在此平台上提供多种 EBSCO 自己的全文数据库和 其他著名信息提供商提供的数据库。 这些数据库向公共图书馆,学术图书馆,医学图书馆,公司 图书馆和学校图书馆提供从综合性参考数据库到专门设计的 主题数据库等广泛的资料。

Academic Source Premier (ASP) 学术参考类全文数据库 为现今全球最大综合学科类数据库之一,涵盖多元化之学 术研究领域包括:建筑学、工程学、物理、化学、科技、 工程、医药学及人文社会科学等刊物 共计逾 8,000 种之索引及摘要,逾 4,500 种的全文期刊 ( 最早 回溯至 1886 年 ) ,其中同侪评鉴 (peer-reviewed) 全文期刊高 达 3,300 种 逾 1,300 种全文期刊同时收录在 ISI 之 Web of Science ,每 月更新。

Academic Search Premier & Business Source Premier Comprehensive Indexes of Scholarly Journals 收录专家评审 全文出版物数 ( Peer Review) 收录出版物种数 Academic Search Premier (ASP) Business Source Premier (BSP) 8,2377,138 9,8891,827 Database * Figures as of April 18, 2007 TOTAL= 18126

Full Text 全文收录情况

主要收录内容 收录专家评审 全文出版物数( Peer Review) 收录全文出版物数 Academic Source Premier (ASP) Business Source Premier (BSP) 4,7933,720 9,1631,116 注: BSP 数据库中, 在收录了商业方面大部分的顶尖期刊外, 还收集了商业研究最常使用 的行业报告, 国家报告, 市场研究报告, 案例分析, Working Papers 等全文出版物 数据库

Academic Search Elite (ASE)733 Academic Search Premier (ASP)1,452 ProQuest Research Library 706 Expanded Academic ASAP 503 Active Full-Text Journals That Overlap with ISI’s Web of Science As of April 18, 2007

ATLA Historical Abstracts MLA International Bibliography Active, Full-Text Journals That Overlap with Leading Social Sciences & Humanities Databases (ASP 被世界权威二次文献索引收录的全文期刊数量 ) * Figures as of April 18, 2007 ERICPsycINFO Social Sciences Citation Index (ISI) Academic Search Premier (ASP) ProQuest Research Library Expanded Academic ASAP

Academic Search Premier (ASP) ProQuest Research Library Expanded Academic ASAP MEDLINE Chemical Abstracts E.I. Compendex Inspec ISI Science Citation Index Active, Full-Text Journals That Overlap with Leading Science Databases (ASP 被世界权威二次文献索引收录的全文期刊数量 ) Biological Abstracts CAB Abstracts GeoRef * Figures as of April 18, 2007

Back to 1929Back to 1975 Academic Source Premier contains 182 journals with PDFs back to the 1886 or further Back to 1960 Back to 1975 Back to 1945Back to 1975 Back to 1887

Back to 1929Back to 1975Back to 1950Back to 1975 Sampling of PDF Backfiles in ASP Journals Back to 1960 Back to 1975 Back to 1945Back to 1975 * Processing is not yet complete on some of these titles Back to 1887

Academic Search Premier also provides the following general reference advantages…

Academic Source Premier Will Also Gain Deeper PDF Backfiles for General Periodicals, including… Back to 1975Back to 1922Back to 1975 Back to 1922 Back to 1975Back to 1930Back to 1934 Back to 1975 * Processing is not yet complete on some of these titles

NOTE: These are A&I only backfiles. PDF backfiles are not authorized for these titles because of freelance author legal issues. Back to 1955 Back to 1865Back to 1947Back to 1888 Expanding A&I Backfiles for General Periodicals in Academic Source Premier

Academic Search Premier 991 peer-reviewed journals have searchable cited references starting with January 2003 issues (or earlier) Includes the 500 most used scholarly journals in ASP based on worldwide usage statistics Business Source Premier 1,189 peer-reviewed journals have searchable cited references starting with January 2003 issues (or earlier) Only 235 journals are contained in ISI’s Business Collection Searchable Cited References (with links to full text)

Searchable Cited Reference with links to the full text of the original cited work (when available) Times Cited in this Database provides a list of all other papers in the database that cite this work (with links to the full text when available)

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Business Monitor International CountryWatch Inc. Datamonitor EIU Country Commerce EIU Profiles EIU Reports Global Insight Inc. (formerly WEFA) Going Global ICON Group International OECD Political Risk Yearbook SOD Total Full Text Country Economic Publications 70 Country Forecast Reports & Monitors - NO Embargo 192 Country Reviews NO Embargo 54 Country Profiles NO Embargo 30 Reference Guides Embargoed (6 months) 70 Country Profiles NO Embargo 80 Country Reports Embargoed (6 months) 113 Country Monitors NO Embargo 39 Country Career Guides NO Embargo 191 Country Economic Studies NO Embargo 232 Country Competitiveness Studies - NO Embargo 71 Country Economic Surveys Embargoed (6 months) 100 Country Risk Reports NO Embargo 197 Background Notes NO Embargo 1,441 Publisher ABI/INFORM Complete FT CoverageBusiness Source Premier FT Coverage None 4 Country Profiles No Embargo 14 Country Reports No Embargo None 23 Country Career Guides NO Embargo None 16 Country Economic Surveys Embargoed (6 months) None 57 国家 / 区域经济报告, 评论, 调研 * Figures as of April 18, 2007 * NOTE: ABI also contains EIU Viewswire

Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan Country Monitor)

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EBSCO Databases Offer the Most Native PDFs (by far) Native Scanned by EBSCO

Managing Discursive Tension: The Co-existence of Individualist and Collaborative Discourses in Flight Centre (Journal of Management Studies)

Disaster Dynamics: Understanding the Role of Quantity in Organizational Collapse (Administrative Science Quarterly)

Upstairs Market for Principal and Agency Trades: Analysis of Adverse Information and Price Effects (Journal of Finance)

What Leaders Really Do (Harvard Business Review)

Native Colored PDF Full-text 彩色清晰版 PDF 全文 所谓 Native, 即是 Searchable ( 可查找的 ) 的意思.

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