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ERIC ( 教育學索摘 ) 美國教育部之 Educational Resource Information Center 製作. 含教育相關的論文 (ERIC Digests) 及期刊文獻 (Journal Articles) 兩種 教育資源 教育論文包包括:研究及技術報告、會議記錄、教學工具、教學 媒體、教學計劃和方法、碩博士論文等。 期刊文獻收錄逾 980 種教育相關期刊之索摘。 收錄年限: 1966-Current 。 資料量: 911,000 + 每年增加筆數: 31,000 + 目前近 720+ 種期刊可智慧連結 (smartlink) 至 Academic Search Premier 所收錄之全文期刊。 目前近 347+ 種期刊可智慧連結 (smartlink) 至 Professional Development Collection 所收錄之全文期刊。
EconLit EconLit ( 經濟學索摘 ) 美國經濟協會 (American Economic Association) 所製做的書目資料庫, 為全世界最重要的經濟學參考資源之一。 它收錄自 1969 至今之經濟相關刊物,每年增加逾 15,000 筆摘要資料, 包含:書籍、期刊、 Cambridge University Press. 出版之研究報告,提 供 Geographic Descriptors 及 Subject Descriptors 供檢索之用。 主題分類:包含會計、消費經濟學、金融政策、勞工、行銷、統計、 經濟理論、規畫等。 共 收錄自 1969 年至今 450 種以上國際性、經濟期刊,超過 35 萬筆資料 BSP 資料庫中包含超過 248 種全文期刊與此資料庫重複收錄並可提供全 文連結
MLA International Bibliography MLA International Bibliography ( 英美文學索摘 ) 本資料庫收錄自 1963 年至今有關語言、文學、民俗等的書目資料。取 材自 3500 多種刊物,每年約增加 多筆資料。包括主題:非洲語 言學、國際語言、非洲、義大利、美國、拉丁美洲、巴西、英國、現 代希臘、東歐、荷蘭、法國、東方、葡萄牙、西班牙、斯堪地那維亞 、德國文學、文學批評、文學理論、比較及歷史語言學、民俗、非語 言溝通文學、印歐語言學、理論及描述語言學。 ASP 資料庫中包含超過 570 種全文期刊與此資料庫重複收錄並可提供 相互連結
美國國家醫學圖書館 於 1964 年成立 發展最早的資料庫為 MEDLINE(MEDLARS ON LINE) 每年固定收錄約 3,800 種全世界著名且各在學科領域中的權威期刊 目前資料庫總量約有 880 萬筆紀錄 75% 為英文文獻, 25% 為非 英文文獻 年間收錄有會議與研討會之專論等 自 1975 年,同時將文獻與摘要資源收錄其中, 67% 文獻含有摘要 MEDLINE 同時包含初期四個子資料庫及其出版的刊物﹕ 1. Index Medicus ﹐ 2. Abridge Index dicus ﹐ 3. Index to Dental Literature ﹐ 4. International Nursing Index 。 MEDLINE MEDLINE ( 醫學索摘 )
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AdministrativeFull Text withHaltedHalted Science QuarterlyNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Academy ofFull Text withNOHalted Management JournalNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text HarvardFull Text withHaltedNO Business ReviewNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text ManagementEmbargoedEmbargoedEmbargoed ScienceFull TextFull TextFull Text OperationsEmbargoedEmbargoedEmbargoed ResearchFull TextFull TextFull Text Academy ofFull Text withNOHalted Management ReviewNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Industrial & LaborFull Text withHaltedHalted Relations ReviewNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text CaliforniaFull Text withNOHalted Management ReviewNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal Rank EBSCO Management Management Journals Ranked Study by Coe & Weinstock from Academy of Management Journal Marketing Marketing Journals Ranked Study by Gordon and Heischmidt from Journal of Marketing Education G xxx P xx Q xxx x * Journal ofFull Text withNOHalted MarketingNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal ofFull Text withNOHalted Marketing Research (JMR)NO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal Rank 1212 EBSCO G xxx P xx Q xxx x
Nearly all aggregated databases have embargo periods on some full text journals All journals with embargo periods in EBSCO databases are also embargoed in competing databases (or not in those databases at all) All embargoed journals have current abstracts which can link to the current full text via the e-journal (if your library subscribes) [sometimes the EBSCO backfile will be greater than the e-journal backfile] For more information see: “Academic Journal Embargoes and Full Text Databases” By: Brooks, Sam The Library Quarterly (University of Chicago Press) July 2003, Volume 73, Issue 3, pp [Reprints available upon request] Embargo (全文延遲性)
Journal ofNONONO Operations ManagementFull TextFull TextFull Text International JournalEmbargoedNONO of Production ResearchFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal Rank 1212 EBSCO POM POM Journals Ranked Ranking from Barman et al (Relevance): * MISFull Text withHaltedHalted QuarterlyNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text CommunicationsFull Text withHaltedFull Text with of the ACMNO EmbargoFull TextNO Embargo InformationEmbargoedEmbargoedEmbargoed Systems ResearchFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal of ManagementFull Text withNOHalted Information SystemsNO EMBARGOFull TextFull Text Journal Rank EBSCOCompetitor GCompetitor P MIS MIS Journals Ranked Mylonopoulos & Theoharakis: Competitor GCompetitor P
* Journal of EmbargoedNONO Accounting ResearchFull TextFull TextFull Text AccountingFull Text withFull Text withEmbargoed ReviewNO EmbargoNO EmbargoFull Text Journal of AccountingNONONO & EconomicsFull TextFull TextFull Text Accounting OrganizationsNONONO & SocietyFull TextFull TextFull Text ContemporaryEmbargoedNOHalted Accounting ResearchFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal of Accounting,Full Text withNONO Auditing & FinanceNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal Rank EBSCO Accounting Accounting Journals Ranked Hasselback et al, appeared in Accounting Forum, March 2002, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pg 45 Competitor GCompetitor P
Construction ManagementEmbargoedNONO & EconomicsFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal Rank 1 EBSCO Construction Management Construction Management Journals Ranked The Ranking of Construction Management Journals by Chau Kwong Wing (University of Reading) * Journal of EmbargoedNONO FinanceFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal ofNONONO Financial EconomicsFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal of FinancialFull Text withNOHalted & Quantitative AnalysisNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal of Money,Full Text withHaltedHalted Credit & BankingNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal Rank EBSCO Finance Finance Journals Ranked Study by Mabry & Sharplin, “Conclusions, a Final Ranking of Finance Journals”, published in The Journal of Financial Research Competitor GCompetitor P Competitor GCompetitor P
Journal ofEmbargoedNOHalted Economic LiteratureFull TextFull TextFull Text Quarterly JournalEmbargoedHaltedNO of EconomicsFull TextFull TextFull Text Brookings PapersFull Text withFull Text withFull Text with on Economic ActivityNO EmbargoNO EmbargoNO Embargo Journal ofEmbargoedHaltedHalted Economic PerspectivesFull TextFull TextFull Text Journal ofEmbargoedEmbargoedEmbargoed Political EconomyFull TextFull TextFull Text EconomicEmbargoedNONO PolicyFull TextFull TextFull Text NBERFull Text withNONO Macroeconomics AnnualNO EmbargoFull TextFull Text Journal Rank EBSCO * Economics Economics Journals Ranked ISI Impact Factor: Competitor GCompetitor P
Business Monitor International CountryWatch Inc. Datamonitor EIU Country Commerce EIU Profiles EIU Reports Global Insight Inc. (formerly WEFA) Going Global ICON Group International OECD Political Risk Yearbook SOD Total Full Text Country Economic Publications 70 Country Forecast Reports & Monitors - NO Embargo 192 Country Reviews NO Embargo 54 Country Profiles NO Embargo 30 Reference Guides Embargoed (6 months) 70 Country Profiles NO Embargo 89 Country Reports Embargoed (6 months) 114 Country Monitors NO Embargo 39 Country Career Guides NO Embargo 191 Country Economic Studies NO Embargo 232 Country Competitiveness Studies - NO Embargo 36 Country Economic Surveys Embargoed (6 months) 100 Country Risk Reports NO Embargo 198 Background Notes NO Embargo 1,415 Publisher A xx/Ixxxxx Complete FT Coverage Business Source Premier FT Coverage None 3 Country Profiles No Embargo 2 Country Reports No Embargo None 39 Country Career Guides NO Embargo None 44 Superior Country Economic Data ( 經濟研究報告 ) in BSP
Working Papers Indexed & Abstracted in Business Source Publication Name Article Count Working Paper Series (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)318 Working Papers (Faculty) -- Stanford Graduate School of Business465 Working Papers (Faculty) -- University of Michigan Business School 254 Working Papers (Pamplin College of Business) -- Virginia Tech Graduate School 32 Working Papers (William Davidson Institute) -- University of Michigan Business School 286 Working Papers -- Columbia University 82 Working Papers -- Duke Fuqua School of Business 172 Working Papers -- Financial Institutions Center at The Wharton School 341 Working Papers -- Harvard Business School Division of Research101 Working Papers -- US Federal Reserve Board's Finance & Economic Discussion Series311 Working Papers -- US Federal Reserve Board's International Finance Discussion Papers190 Working Papers -- University of Michigan Department of Economics7 Working Papers -- University of Toronto Rotman School of Management49 Working Papers -- Yale School of Management595 Total3,203 * Some Stanford working papers also have full text
Full Text Monographs ( 專論書籍 ) in Business Source Premier Most sources are indexed and abstracted by chapter Currently offering PDFs for nearly 1,000 chapters Pursuing full-text rights for those monographs most cited by journals in BSP –BSP already includes 140 full-text,scholarly business/economics monographs BusStudentsFocusEthics.pdf –Indexing and Abstracts for all Harvard Business School Press books
Business Monitor International Datamonitor Economist Intelligence Unit Global Insight Inc. ( formerly DRI-McGraw Hill) Total Full Text Industry Reports 4 Financial Alerts (NO Embargo) 2,955 Industry Profiles (NO Embargo) 48 Industry Forecasts (NO Embargo) 107 Industry Yearbooks (NO Embargo) 3,800 Publisher Axx/Ixxxxxx Complete FT CoverageBusiness Source Premier FT Coverage None 0 Superior Industry Data ( 產業研究報告 ) FarmGardenMachinery.pdf
共收錄全球 10,300 家知名企業之公司解析, 其中包括奇異 (G.E.), 通 用汽車 (G.M.), 輝瑞 (Pfizer Inc), 摩托羅拉 (Motorola Inc.), 微軟 (Microsoft), 寶鹼 (Procter & Gamble), 旭電 (Solectron), 強生 (Johnson & Johnson), 思科 (Cisco) 花旗銀行 (Citibank) 等, 其中約有 52% 的公 司係設在歐洲及亞洲. 在台知名企業包括台積電 (TSMC), 聯電 (UMC), 台電 (Taiwan Power Co.), 華碩電腦 (ASUSTeK Computer Inc), 中油 (CPC), 中國信託銀行 (Chinatrust), 建華銀行 (Bank SinoPac) 等. Each profile is updated regularly, averages more than 100 pages in length, and contains a detailed table of contents Each profile is available via native (searchable) PDF 額外免費附贈之商學產品 Company Profiles ( 公司簡介 )
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