News media requirements of statistical dissemination Dr. Peter Pukli President of Hungarian Central Statistical Office May, Copenhagen
Some general remarks The media are becoming one of the more important users of statistics. There is a fast development of our dissemination tools. The relationship between statisticians and media has developed toward good direction. Behind this achievement we find hard work on both sides.
What we, statisticians have done: Help users to understand the figures. „To communicate clear messages about what are official statistics, and how they are formulated”. Make our service transparent. „The value chain helps in emphasising the coherence of statistics, in demonstrating openness and transparency.” Internet creates environment of equal opportunity for all users of data.
Challenges (1): - Media strategy - Bring media strategies of NSIs in line with end-users’ preferences General need for clear, easily understandable interpretation of high quality statistical data Place statistical data in social context when communicating statistics to average users
Challenges (2): - Media strategy - Demand for pre-packaged content from the media on „hot” topics Diversified end-user groups must have access to official statistics (role of the media?). Working under continuous spotlight
Challenges (3): To satisfy the demands of different media segments –News agency reporters –National newspapers economic journalists –Economic commentators –Regional press –Broadcast journalists –Political reporters –News reporters
Challenges (4): To manage critical issues „ Situations that become critical should be actively managed” „Speed of response is also important” „Identify the problem fast, ensure that you know all aspects” „Raise the possibility of problems to highest necessary level for their resolution” „Involve at least one who must understand all aspects of an incident” „No penalty on individuals” „The National Statistician always takes external responsibility for all forms of failure.”
Challenges (5): Statistics used to assess government performance. (linkage vs. independency) Our professional independence lies on the transparency of our production process How can we preserve this important characteristics of statistics –To avoid to be involved in politicially sensitive procedures (for example EDP). „Statistical offices have no role other than impartially producing statistics.” –To hold balance between being civil servants and being professional statisticians. –Our best PR tool should be the high quality of our statistics.
Summing up the expectations of the media from the previous presentations To avoid unwanted leaks Release calendar Embargo-time for preparing value added information „A lockup would be better than transmission without embargo”.
21 st Century Statistics More qualitative indicators for Research and development University education Innovation ITC To highlight productivity statistics
New thematic subsites for the Lisbon Agenda, for the Stability and Growth Pact, for EU and globalisation, and for EU and the knowledge economy.
Points of discussion Role of media in NSI’s media strategy Politicially sensitive situations Critical incidents Embargo-time Statistics in social context
Thank you for your attention! May, Copenhagen DGINS Conference