Open Access Update: IHR, HORG Meeting Open Access and Data Curation Team, 12 th September 2014
Who’s affected by open access? Everyone! Established researchers Early career researchers Post-docs PhD students/PGRs… Anyone employed by or studying at Exeter in a research capacity will be affected either by funder policy, HEFCE policy or by the University’s own policy.
Open access – what’s the state of play? Complex landscape - various factors drive open access, not always in the same direction: Government attitude to ‘openness’ and ‘transparency’ (gold) Funder policies (mainly gold) HEFCE policy on open access in post-2014 REF (mainly green) University policy (green) Publisher response (frequently gold) Definitions: Gold = pay a publisher for immediate open access Green = don’t pay, submit to a repository, usually with temporary embargo
RCUK RCUK-funded peer-reviewed published research papers and conference papersRCUK-funded Embargoes: six months for STEM/M CC-BY licence Statement outlining how any supporting data can be accessed MRC expects valuable data to be preserved and made open access where possible (ORE can be used for this purpose)ORE Gold OA via Exeter’s RCUK block grant – first come first served Deposit in repository (green) also acceptable if embargo periods are compliant
Wellcome Trust Wellcome-funded peer-reviewed published research papers and conference papersWellcome-funded Scholarly monographs and book chapters Essential data to be made open access where possible Six-month embargo & upload copy to Europe PMCEurope PMC CC-BY licence Gold OA is the norm via Exeter’s Wellcome block grant, open to all Wellcome-funded researchers and PGRs New Charities Fund: Arthritis Research UK; Breast Cancer Campaign; British Heart Foundation; Cancer Research UK; Leukaemia & Lymphoma ResearchNew Charities Fund
NIHR/DoH New policy covers peer-reviewed published research papers and conference papers (including review articles not commissioned by publishers)New policy Submitted for publication from 1 April 2014 Preference for gold via original grant or NIHR Open Access Fund… Via the awarding NIHR Programme Coordinating Centre Six months maximum embargo CC-BY licence Deposit in Europe PMCEurope PMC Data does not yet need to be open but NIHR researchers should submit to NIHR a statement on how underlying research materials, such as data, samples or models, can be accessed.
Europe ERCERC: Green or gold Costs of gold can be included in grant applications All research publications (articles and monographs) Maximum of six months from publication Deposit in Europe PubMed Central/institutional repository Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 (evolving): Green or gold Peer-reviewed publications (also looking at data) Costs of gold will be reimbursed Maximum of six months from publication Encourages authors to retain copyright Encourages use of CC-BY
HEFCE New HEFCE policy on open access for post-2014 REF:HEFCE policy Journal articles and Conference proceedings with an ISSN Accepted for publication after 1 April 2016 Favours green unpaid open access via deposit in a repository, for an output to be eligible for the REF it must be in a repository. Requires deposit of accepted version on acceptance rather than publication. See our blog for a
HEFCE contd. For an output to be eligible for the REF: It must be deposited in a repository such as ORE (institutional repositories preferred) No later than three months after acceptance It should be the accepted version Embargoes continue to apply from date of publication but the record should be discoverable as soon as possible - Authors are responsible for depositing papers to a repository - CC-BY-NC-ND licences are strongly recommended but not mandatoryCC-BY-NC-ND - 12 months embargo for REF Main Panels A & BREF Main Panels A & B - Gold papers must also be deposited (published version) BUT funder policy must still be observed where applicable (e.g., CC-BY licence, six-month embargo). See HEFCE’s FAQs.FAQs
University Exeter policy: academic freedom over where, what and when to publish is paramountExeter policy Green OA is the cultural norm (free and open to all equally) Institutional mandate for self-deposit of papers in ORE via Symplectic Embargo: as required by funder or HEFCE PGR policy
Publishers Some publishers increasing embargo periods to force authors towards gold Some charge extra for the CC-BY licence Sometimes we pay as much in APCs in a year as we do for the annual subscription (ACS) Some smaller niche publishers (e.g., learned societies) fear they may go out of business Some (e.g., Elsevier) asking academics to remove published PDFs from web sites – ResearchGate/ SHERPA/RoMEOSHERPA/RoMEO is a useful site for finding out more about publisher, journal and funder policy.
How do I get funds for open access? If you’re funded by RCUK or Wellcome (including associated charities) contact Application for RCUK funds needs to come from a PI Fill in a form and return by or use the online formformonline form Anyone funded by Wellcome (including research students) can apply directly Library will process the request and handle payment We have signed up to a number of subscription schemes: o BioMed Central (for EMS only)* o Wiley journals (RCUK & Wellcome) o Royal Society – 25% discount for anyone who has funds o Sage journals – £200 for anyone who has funds NIHR/DoH researchers use existing grant or new NIHR fund * NIHR BMC scheme – 15% discount
How do I deposit a paper in ORE? ResearchersPhDs/PGRs Use the Repository Tools feature in Symplectic Use the ORE submit form Click Full TextLogin with UoE credentials Click Manage Full TextSelect your subject collection Choose file from your hard driveProvide as much bibliographic detail as possible Click UploadUpload Symplectic guideSymplectic guide and ORE depositing guide ORE depositing guide Remember to keep the accepted version of your paper – this is what you should normally submit to ORE unless you have paid for OA.
Further Information & Help Library open access website: Research Toolkit: Open access queries: Information on gold open access funds: Open access survival guide: Open access survival guide for new PGR students: Guide to uploading to ORE using Symplectic: Check your publisher’s policy at SHERPA/RoMEO: Subject Librarians: Download this presentation: