UJOPEN ACCESS – IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY UJ OPEN ACCESS – IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities Wider Gauteng IR Managers’ Forum, UJ Library, 4 September 2014 Wider Gauteng IR Managers’ Forum, UJ Library, 4 September 2014 Lazarus Matizirofa Senior Specialist: E-Research & Scholarly Communications
UJ OPEN ACCESS: A POINT OF VIEW 2010: OA Mandate was approved by UJ Senate 2011: UJ signed the Berlin Declaration to Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, and Budapest Open Access Initiative 2012: Academic Regulations – Higher Degrees Policy was amended to improve ETD submissions to the repository 2012: Retrospective digitisation of theses was approved, will be completed in 2014 2014: A new research-output submission workflow was agreed between the Research Office and the Library in order to encourage researchers and academics to submit to OROSS
ONLINE RESEARCH SUBMISSION SYSTEM Authors use their UJ web/ credentials to submit their research output The submissions are send to the Research Office, Faculty Research Coordinator and the Library’s IR The submitter also get an acknowledgement when a submission has been successfully ed
OROSS - PILOT PROJECT The UJ Library and UJ Research Office has rolled out OROSS in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment The pilot project is aimed at improving the stakeholders to manage, track and ensure that all research-output submissions are recorded by the Research Office and are archived by the Library (two versions are required - author’s accepted manuscript and publisher PDF for archiving in the repository) The pilot research submission system, OROSS will enable compliance rates to go up and fulfil both UJ’s OA Mandate and the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities IR will therefore be able to harness and archive all Green and Gold generated UJ research publications going forward
OA MANDATE - OROSS Authors are encouraged to submit post print articles (author(s) accepted manuscript) and publisher PDFs immediately upon publication of articles, book chapters and conference papers using OROSS Authors will also be encouraged to publish through accredited open access journals Submissions are received by the Research office (research management) and the Library (repository archiving)
OPEN ACCESS: THESES & DISSERTATIONS ETD submissions by UJ postgraduate students has improved drastically – almost 100% Students are required to submit: 1.e-copy PDF file on CD of their final examined thesis 2.A bound hardcopy of their final examined thesis 3.Signed Open Access declaration form, before graduation theses are locked away until embargo expires! Before expired embargoed theses are archived supervisors and faculty HFAs are informed
LAZARUS MATIZIROFA / PHILILE MAVUSO E-Research & Scholarly Communications UJDigispace: Institutional Repository UJ Library, APK Campus Tel