What is open access (OA)?
Why OA?
Gold or Green OA? Gold OA – publish in OA journal Author publishes work in a high quality OA journal that allows free and immediate access to articles via the publisher’s web site Agreement that author signs with publisher should allow deposit of work in an OA repository Consider publishing in a UTSePress OA journal Green OA – deposit in OA repository Author publishes work in a peer-reviewed journal of their choice Author then deposits a version of the work in a repository which makes it freely available Version will depend on the agreement author signed with publisher SHERPA/RoMEO or OAKlist Institutional repository eg UTSePress Subject repository eg (physics, maths) or Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Advantages of Green Open Access include: You can publish in the ‘best’ journal for your research Your research will be more widely discoverable and accessible You don’t have to pay any article processing charges
Your rights Authors have rights of control over their work, known as copyright Allows the author to decide how their work is used, reproduced, published or distributed Any publication of your work will involve an agreement between author and publisher you decide which rights are assigned to a publisher as part of this agreement you can sign over all your rights or you can limit the rights that are assigned Read the publisher agreement and negotiate your rights eg SPARC Addendum to Publication Agreement The agreement should state whether your work can be deposited in a repository – and if so which version Traditional publishers may allow deposit of the ‘accepted manuscript’ version immediately or the published version after an embargo period Generally OA publishers use Creative Commons licence which permit deposit of any version of your work in a repository Consider using a CC licence as your copyright licence – simple, standardised permissions for dissemination and use of licenced work
Creative Commons
OA business models Full OA Articles are online immediately, available to all readers with no charges to author or readers Embargoes Articles are available to paid subscribers first Then freely available to all readers after embargo period - few weeks to few years Article Processing Charges Journal is fully OA Author charged Article Processing Charge (APC) for cost of publishing – $000s to $0,000s Charge may be financed by faculties or research grants Charge may be waived if author unable to pay eg BioMed Central, PLOS, Hindawi 2013 UTS Library pilot payment of APCs in selected peer-reviewed OA publications Hybrid Single articles in subscription journals made open access for a fee ‘Double dipping‘ - retain traditional revenue streams from subscriptions, receive additional income from APCs As a relatively new field, OA publishing has attracted some less than reputable publishers Check Jeffery Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers
How to select high quality OA journals? Is the journal listed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)? DOAJ lists over 9000 OA journals from all disciplines which are peer- reviewed or have editorial quality control Does the journal have a clearly stated peer-review process? See the journal or Ulrich’s Periodical Directory Does the editorial board include recognised experts in your field? Does the journal appear in Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Journal list? More tools to find, compare and evaluate journals Subject and multi-disciplinary databases in your field Scopus – Journal Analyzer Journal Citation Reports Consult supervisors, colleagues or faculty on where to publish for your discipline
UTS OA Policy The University of Technology, Sydney is committed to ensuring wide dissemination of its research and scholarship and supporting the principles of an international open access community. This Policy aims to ensure that research and scholarly works undertaken at UTS are available online and worldwide, free of charge and from other restrictions wherever possible. It enables UTS researchers to meet the requirements of funding bodies (for example the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council), to make research results publicly accessible. In addition to the public benefits of an open access approach to research and scholarship, this Policy is intended to serve the interests of UTS students and staff by: widening the potential research readership increasing the impact of research and scholarly outputs simplifying the authors' retention of distribution rights aiding preservation. Outputs of research and scholarship conducted at UTS are collected as part of the University's research management processes and are stored and made accessible through the UTS digital repository. The UTS Intellectual Property Policy contains provisions on the ownership of intellectual property which allows the University to make publicly available, staff and student research or scholarly outputs for the benefit of the community and the University.
UTSePress Research UTS digital or institutional repository Secure online space managed by UTS Library to archive UTS scholarly output UTS research publications that are submitted for the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) such as peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers and research monographs research known as grey literature eg unpublished conference papers and posters, datasets, podcasts and vodcasts, presentation slides and other forms of scholarship PhD, Masters by Research, and in exceptional cases, Honours theses Universities report research publications to HERDC as part of the funding process Researchers submit information about their research to RMENet, the UTS Research and Innovation Office’s research management system RIO processes the submission – automatic flow through and archival in UTSePress For grey literature, contact the Library Doctoral and Masters by Research theses are submitted in digital format and archived in UTSePress
UTSePress Publishing UTSePRESS - hosts 15 open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journals + student journals, conference proceedings and books including multi-media works not primarily text Journals are free from financial barriers (gratis), legal barriers (libre) except attribution and technical barriers We invite submissions from authors and queries from potential new journals
UTS Copyright Officer