Events Leading to World War II
Definitions Totalitarian – Usually a single individual who controls a country and its government Dictator- A person or group of people who completely control a country through its government Nazi- A member of the German Nationalist Social Worker’s Party Fascism-a form of government that believes the state is more important than the individual, maintains control of the economy and suppresses opposition controlled by a dictator IN ALL CASES THE LEADER(S) TAKE CONTROL AND MAINTAIN CONTROL THROUGH FORCE
1. Totalitarian Leaders in Europe Adolph Hitler - Germany Benito Mussolini- Italy Hideki Tojo - Japan
Why were they able to gain control? After WWI people blamed their governments for the hardships they faced. Many nations were experiencing political and social unrest. As a result totalitarian regimes that restricted personal freedoms and prohibited political opposition rose to power based on their promises to make things better. They are usually very charismatic and easily get the people to follow them.
2.Japanese Invade Manchuria 1931 Japan trying to establish a sphere of influence there US responds by placing economic sanctions on them – we withheld trade of oil, iron, and steel. The League told them to stop but Japan ignored them and resigned from the League. The League of Nations does NOTHING!
Japanese Invade China 1937 Later extend occupation of Indochina (now Vietnam).
1937 into China and starts WWII in Asia 1931 into Manchuria 1937 into China and starts WWII in Asia 1937, U.S. refuses trade with Japan until they withdraw from China….. 1940 invades Indochina US froze Japanese assets, refused to trade oil, gasoline and steel.
Hitler and FDR Both come into office in 1933 in the midst of the economic and social upheaval of the Great Depression. FDR tells Americans, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” Hitler takes the approach that the Jews are the source of all Germany’s economic and political problems.
How Does Hitler Justify His Actions? He says they are in response to the punishment placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. – Makes the Germans believe they had been done wrong. As a result, the rest of Europe appeases him. They give their inch and he takes mile after mile. The more they give in the more he takes.
What was appeasement? In 1935 Britain signed the naval agreement with Germany. For the next three years, Britain and France followed a policy of giving Hitler what he wanted-a policy that became known as APPEASEMENT.
Munich Agreement Agreement signed between England, France, and Germany. Hitler asked for the Sudentenland to be returned to Germany and that would be all he would ask for. The problem – Hitler had no intention of honoring his word.
LANDMARKS OF APPEASEMENT 1933-Germany leave the L of N - start to rearm in secret 1935-Anglo-German Naval Agreement, Abyssinian Crisis, German announces conscription. 1936- Remilitarization of the Rhineland 1938 (March) Anschluss 1938 (Sept) Sudetenland crisis and the Munich agreement 1939- Germany take over the rest of Czechoslovakia 1939 Britain and France abandon appeasement and guarantee to defend Poland
Why US Neutrality Acts? Americans want to remain isolationist Needed to respond in some way to help our allies who were the targets of Fascist aggression in Europe League of Nations is too weak to do anything. England and France are appeasing Hitler but the US realizes he’s only getting worse.
NEUTRALITY ACTS 1935: prohibited arms shipments to all belligerent countries. 1936: forbid loans to all belligerents 1937: “Cash and Carry” principle: all nations must pay for nonmilitary purchases and ship the goods in their own vessels Neutral
What Attempts Are Made to Put A Stop to Hitler’s Actions? Munich Pact
NEUTRALITY ACTS 1939: prohibited Americans from traveling on ships of belligerent nations 1940: Lend Lease program offered to Great Britain…. U.S. becomes the “arsenal of democracy” FDR responds to Fascist aggression in Europe by protecting democracies and preparing the US for war….. Neutral
Hitler Invades Poland 1939
NEUTRALITY ACTS 1939: prohibited Americans from traveling on ships of belligerent nations 1940: Lend Lease program offered to Great Britain…. U.S. becomes the “arsenal of democracy” FDR responds to Fascist aggression in Europe by protecting democracies and preparing the US for war….. Neutral
AMERICAN NEUTRALITY Americans wanted to remain neutral. America First Committee Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies Feb. 21, 1940: If Germany is defeating England & France, should the U.S. declare war on Germany and send our Army and Navy to Europe to fight against Hitler? Yes: 23% No 77% Neutral
U. S. Lend-Lease Act, 1941, “ US becomes the arsenal of democracy” Great Britain.........................$31 billion Soviet Union...........................$11 billion France......................................$ 3 billion China.......................................$1.5 billion Other European.................$500 million South America...................$400 million The amount totaled: $48,601,365,000
Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor December 11, 1941 US had placed an embargo on war goods so that Japan could not purchase them The Japanese felt if they attacked the US hard enough, we would back off and let Japan control
DAY OF INFAMY Infamy7 FDR Day of Infamy Speech