Contractor Module Training ( C-400 & Subcontract Agreements PDBS CONTRACTOR MODULE TRAINING Spring 2006 Contractor Module Overview Purpose of Contractor Module Accessing PDBS Via Citrix Module Training
Contractor Module Overview C400 Anticipated Monthly Payments Request to Sublet work (C-115 / C-116) Contractor Employee Setup OJT Trainee Hours Worked Subcontractor payments Entry Reports –DBE Commitment Report –DBE Item Payment Analysis –On-the-Job Trainee Hours Worked
Purpose of Contractor Module Step one of a new digital age of electronic form creation and submittals. Reduce redundancy Minimize errors
Accessing PDBS via the Web Go to
Load Citrix Web Client Download and run the Citrix Web Client and then restart browser.
After installing Web Client Click PDBS to connect
Citrix login Enter Assigned ID and password
PDBS login Enter the same Assigned ID and password
Subsystem dropdown To enter the Contractor module, click on ‘Sub Systems’, then ‘Contractor’.
Contractor Module Welcome Screen A welcome screen will appear. You must click ‘Contractor’ in the above dropdown menus in order to access module options.
Contractor Module Menu dropdown This is a view of the Contactor Module dropdown menu.
Contractor Module Training ( C-400 & Subcontract Agreements PDBS CONTRACTOR MODULE TRAINING Spring 2006 Anticipated Monthly Payment Schedule C400 Subcontract Agreements C115/C116
Select C-400 Select C400 Anticipated Monthly Payments
Select Project Select Project from dropdown then click Retrieve button.
Enter Date fields Input Start Date and Completion Date Click on first months ‘Payment Amount’ field. Enter amount and hit tab key to move to next one.
Enter Monthly Payment Amounts The ‘Running Total’ field calculates entered amounts to compare to the Contract Amount. Please make sure running total is equal to Contract Amount before saving and printing.
Save file To save the file, click the save button or click the ‘Display Report’ button.
C-400 Form Print this form, sign it and fax it to the Resident Engineer.
Subcontract Agreements (C115/C116) Standard Specification 00555, Section 1.4 Subcontract Agreement approval by the Department is required before subletting, selling, transferring, assigning or disposing any portion of the Contract or Contracts. Sublet no more than 70 percent of the total contract work bid amount. Subcontracted work cannot begin until approved by Engineer.
Contractor Dropdown Menu Select Request to Sublet Work (C115/C116)
Select Project Select Project from Dropdown
Select Subcontract To create aNew subcontract, click ‘New’ button. To select a current subcontract, click the Subcontract then click the ‘Select Subcontract’ button.
Create/Revise Subcontract enter ‘Estimated Starting Date’ for the Subcontractor
Select Subcontractor from dropdown Select Subcontractor from Dropdown.
Subs must be registered This is the warning you will receive if the selected Contractor has not completed an Annual Registration
Non-dbe Registration page Contractors and non- DBE Subcontractors go to this page for Annual Registration Enter Assigned ID and password and enter required information. If company does not have an ID and password click here.
Non-dbe Registration page Link to Annual Registration Page also found on the Bid Opening Information Table
DBE with Commitment This message will appear when you have selected a DBE Subcontractor with a Commitment. If you click ‘Yes’ the committed items should autoload into the item window.
Committed items Autoload Committed items are automatically loaded
DBE Type/Selecting a Tier DBE Type is pre-determined Select tier from dropdown
Adding Items Keep in mind that if you subcontract an item as ‘Complete’, it cannot be re-assigned to another subcontractor. If the Subcontractor you have chosen intends to assign the item to a 2nd tier Subcontractor, it must be entered as ‘Partial’. To Add or Delete Items Right Click on screen
Add Items (cont.) Select Item from dropdown
Select Partial items Select Partial Service, Partial Supply, Complete, Change Order or Commitment Change
Enter Partial comment and Agreement amt. Comment Required on Partial Items Edit Agreement Amount as needed
Summary Calculations As new items are added, the Summary Calculations fields are updated
General Information Only the 1 st Tier Subcontracted values are used to calculate the Subcontracted percentage. (70 % maximum includes Specialty Items) Items Sublet as ‘Complete’ use the Bid Amount Items Sublet as ‘Partial’ use the Agreement Amount Items Sublet as ‘Complete’ cannot be re-assigned to a lower Tier subcontractor.
Save and Contractor Signoff Once complete – enter Contractor Signoff Date. This locks the subcontract. To unlock Contractor Signoff date must be removed.
Create new Subcontract from this window Click to view C115/C116 forms
C-115 Form Top portion of form
C-115 Signature block Sign and print form. Send to subcontractor for signature. Send signed form to RE for approval.
Create new Subcontract from this window Click here to start a new subcontract or view an existing subcontract from this window
Add New Subcontract Click here to add a new subcontract to the Current Project
2 nd _3 rd _ Tier & CO Subcontracts Create a 2 nd /3 rd Tier or Change Order Subcontract by selecting Tier Type
2 nd _3 rd _ Tier & CO Subcontracts Select the lower Tier subcontractor (one doing the work) from Subcontractor dropdown. Select the higher Tier subcontractor from the ‘Higher Tier Sub’ dropdown. (only approved higher tier subcontractors show in dropdown)
Adding 2 nd tier items Only Partial Items already subcontracted to the Higher Tier Contractor can be selected in the item list to be given to a lower tier subcontractor.
Items given to 2 nd Tier In this case only item 36 could be assigned to a lower tier subcontractor
General Information To modify an un-approved subcontract, zero out Signoff dates and work from the bottom up. Delete or modify items first. To delete an approved subcontract, contact the Resident Engineer. If all the items to be subcontracted have been added by Change Order, use ‘CO’ in the ‘Tier’ dropdown. If a mix of bid items and Change Order items are subcontracted, use the ‘Change Order’ entry on item itself. Items identified as ‘Change Order’ do not count against Subcontracted percentage.
Select this to add new Trainees to the current UDOT List
Sort the entire list by using the “Selection Filters” EXAMPLE Looking for: Jane Doe Female Iron Worker
Press the Drop-Down Menu, then Select “Iron Workers”
Select “Female” to complete the filter “Jane Doe” isn’t listed, so we must “Add” her
When adding a trainee, make sure you have all of the requested fields
When finished, Press “Save”
Now, Jane Doe is ready to be added to any of my projects (or any other contractor)
This Form will now be filled out in the PDBS system
Selecting this will allow you to add “Trainees” to a Project
First, Select a project
Lets choose *IM-15-2(45)82
Now, choose a subcontrator, in this case: Chris Corp
Press “Add”
Choose the appropriate Trainee/Apprentice
Fill in the # of hours worked on this the classification listed All other fields are filled in automatically
Using the “Right- Click” feature, you can Add, Delete, or Insert a row quickly If you cannot find the Trainee/Apprentice you need, you can open Trainee setup from this window
To report payments made to the subcontractors, use this function Proper use of the following procedure replaces the “Prompt payment affadavit”
Click on the menu
The Prime Contractor who was awarded the project will automatically populate Select a Subcontractor (or view “All”), then press “Retrieve”
List below will populate with project items
To add a new payment to a Sub, right-click and press Add
Now, fill out the: Item Number (fills in desc) Quantity And payment amount
For internal tacking, you can fill in Notes in the bottom
Now, everyone notice the RED dates in the 1 st column And read the note at the bottom of the page (next slide)
Information on prompt payment to Subs, MUST BE ADDED TIMELY, not at the end of a project All penalties and awards for Prompt Payment will be tracked from this data
To find out the status your DBE commitments, press this
This list will populate with your companies projects currently, select one to view the report
After processing the report, PDBS will list the vital information about the project, and list the committed DBE’s on the project
If you want to view the impact of DBE commitments on your project, select this
Select a project
From this drop-down menu
The field will populate with what our system currently has the Prime slated for, and what has actually been entered The “Report” button simply prints off the information to the Default printer
Want to review your OJT’s? Select this
Grab a project
The field will populate with all of the OJT’s and the work they are doing
Thank you.