1 | Program Name or Ancillary Texteere.energy.gov Water Power Peer Review Marine Energy Technology Advancement Partnership (METAP) Hoyt Battey DOE Water Power Program November 2011
2 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Purpose, Objectives, & Integration Project Purpose: -Marine renewable energy technologies are currently in the early stages of development and establishing a clear route to market is critical to the success of the industry. This project aims to accelerate the pace of development and commercialization of marine renewable energy in the US through a strategic, collaborative approach between the state and federal sectors. Water Power Mission: -Water Power Program’s mission for market acceleration activities: to quantify and strategically reduce the time and balance-of-system costs associated with siting and deploying MHK projects, in line with programmatic goals for overall project LCOE reduction to $0.07/kWh by This project will develop a framework for agreement between DOE and interested states, for collaboration and joint funding of MHK technology development projects and will assess the effectiveness of the METAP project for encouraging state-federal cooperation in expediting technology deployment, and its applicability to other technologies. Research Integration: - This project is not currently a subtask of a larger, multi-part project but, if successful, will support the Program’s other technology development and market acceleration activities through information sharing and joint funding of research projects on marine renewable energy issues shared by state and federal entities.
3 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Technical Approach Methods: -Establishment of cooperation among DOE/NREL and state agencies -Assessment of state MHK support activities and interest in partnering with DOE -Education of: -States on the opportunities that MHK technologies present, DOE programs and promising support programs in other states -DOE and industry on MHK support activities in states -Federal and state policymakers on successful international MHK activities and support programs -Evaluation of multiple coordinated or joint funding mechanisms for marine energy projects to better leverage state and federal investments. -Providing recommendations for state/federal/industry collaboration in the establishment and support of dedicated test facilities. -Evaluation and documentation of the METAP project as a prototype to demonstrate the value of state/federal technology cooperation, and how it can be applied to other emerging technologies. Current Key Issues: -Working to finalize the framework for agreements with a number of interested states (and potentially signing them). Delays due to uncertain and limited funding for marine renewable energy interests for state and federal participants.
4 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Plan, Schedule, & Budget Schedule Subcontract Initiation date: March 5, 2010 Planned completion date: original: March 2011; extended to August 31, 2011; extended to December 31, 2011 –The subcontract POP has been extended primarily to provide time needed for legal review of MOUs. Major Milestones include: –Report on States surveyed and Recommended Agreement Framework –Report on International Experiences for MHK Development –Final approved Agreement Framework (Memorandum of Understanding) –Final Report documenting success of project and feasibility of state/federal collaborations Project does not contain “Go / No-Go Decision Points” Budget: No variances from planned budget Total CESA subcontract value: FY10 = $330k, FY11 = $152k Total = $482k Budget History (DOE Funding to NREL) FY2009FY2010FY2011 DOECost-shareDOECost-shareDOECost-share $50k$0$540k$0k
5 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Accomplishments and Results Accomplishments: -Established cooperation among DOE/NREL and state agencies through outreach activities -Assessed state MHK support activities and interest in partnering with DOE through surveys and in-person or telephone meetings with interested states -Organized an in-person meeting between 10 interested states and DOE to educate state organizations on the METAP project, DOE’s goals and funding priorities, and further engage states in the process of establishing a joint funding mechanism -Conducted 4 webinars to educate states, federal agencies, and industry on various marine technology and MHK topics -Developed a report on international experiences in MHK technology advancement which focused on MHK programs in the UK -Identified multiple coordinated or joint funding mechanisms for marine energy projects to better leverage state and federal investments -Researched and evaluated models for technology testing collaboration with interested states and made recommendations in a report
6 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Challenges to Date Challenges: -Uncertainty of near-term DOE funding through appropriations to support future MHK technology development has made it difficult to accurately represent DOE’s commitment to this effort. -Competing demands for state renewable energy funding during economic downturn of recent years has limited potential partnership opportunities and interest Resolutions: - Deferral to DOE for next steps based on the availability of funding for future MHK technology development projects dependent on the clarification of FY12 budget conditions and Program direction.
7 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Next Steps FY12 Plans: -Will evaluate the success of the project as a prototype to demonstrate the value of state/federal technology cooperation and how it can be applied to other emerging technologies and develop a final report. Next Steps: -Determine feasibility of partnerships on technology development projects upon finalization of DOE FY12 appropriations -Submit draft report of METAP project evaluation and finalize
8 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Additional Slides The following slides are for information purposes only
9 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Guidelines for number of slides (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Most presenters this year will be allotted between 10 and 20 minutes for the presentation with 5 to 10 minutes reserved for Q&A. Thus, shorter presentations should contain a maximum of 10 presented slides, with no more than 1 slide per minute for longer presentations. The bulk of your presentation/discussion should be devoted to the “Technical Approach,” “Accomplishments and Results,” and “Next Steps” sections, depending on how much work has been completed
10 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Preparation Instructions (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Do not include any proprietary, copyrighted, or confidential information. Do not mark any slide with “Official Use Only” or any similar restriction used by your organization. Please name your electronic MS PowerPoint presentation file as follows (use the first 4 letters of your title): [Title_Organization_LastName.ppt]. Do not incorporate animation or special effects since all presentations will be saved as PDF files for presentation and for posting on the web. Animations critical to describing the project may be presented as separate files, however they must be approved by the Program and presented within your allotted time.
11 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Final Instructions (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Your presentation, in MS PowerPoint format, is due to Ed Eugeni at by September 27 th. If your presentation is too large to , contact Ed Eugeni at for alternative delivery options. Reviewers will be receiving your presentation prior to the meeting. In order to supply adequate time for the reviewers to review your material prior to the meeting, you MUST submit your presentation by close of business on September 27th. Your project is subject to a score reduction penalty if you fail to meet this deadline. NOTE – THIS HAS BEEN REVISED TO OCT 7.
12 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Questions? (Not a template slide – for information purposes only) Contact: –Hoyt Battey at –or Ed Eugeni at