16-17 February 2012 Ente Bilaterale del Terziario di Perugia Perugia, Italy
- Total expenditure project € ,76 - Contribution € ,81 The Agreement n. VS 2011/0435 between E.B.T. and European Commission (DG. Employment, social Affairs and Inclusion) was signed in 1 st December 2011 It foresees:
Duration of the project: 12 months Period of eligibility of costs: from 22 Nov.2011 to 21 Nov. 2012
Sub-contracts signed between E.B.T. and the Partners are Duration of the project 12 mths under the Agreement signed with the E.C. Period of costs eligibility 22/11/2011 – 21/11/2012
Financing/Co-financing ◄ Total expenditure to be committed by each Partner ◄ Contribution for each Partner ◄ Co-financing of the Partner only after the sending of the required DOCUMENTATION and the APPROVAL by the E.C. of: ◄ Payments of the contribution only after the sending of the required DOCUMENTATION (outputs/results, supporting documents of expenditures, list of participants to conferences and meetings with original signatures, and any other documents required) and the APPROVAL by the E.C. of: ◄ PROGRESS REPORT ◄ FINAL TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION REPORT and FINANCIAL STATEMENT Sub-contract foresees:
Payments 1 st payment 40% of the contribution for each partner 2 nd payment Final payment 30% of the contribution for each partner 30% of the contribution for each partner
The 1th pre-financing payment After the signing of the sub-contract
The 2th payment will be paid: The 2th payment will be paid: after the transfer to the E.B.T’s bank account and AFTER the submission of the required documentation for the PROGRESS REPORT WE must SPEND ALMOST THE 70% of the I TRANCHE OF PAYMENT RECEIVED. THE PROGRESS REPORT MUST BE APPROVED BY THE E.C. in terms of activities/results of the project, state-of-the-art, reporting costs, etc…
The Progress Report is foreseen to be submitted Within next June (After the 2nd Meeting in Latvia) in order to have enough costs to report
The final payment will be paid: The final payment will be paid: Send the supporting documents of all costs and the Final activities/results of the project achieved THE FINAL REPORT MUST BE APPROVED by the E.C. after the transfer to the E.B.T.’s bank account and AFTER the submission of the required documentation for the FINAL REPORT
Sub-contract Reports reporting procedures It will foresee the reporting procedures for the submission of the required documentation for the PROGRESS REPORT and the FINAL REPORT
Timesheet (working days of staff) Timesheet (working days of staff) Report costs (staff, travel, services,etc…, of your budget approved) Report costs (staff, travel, services,etc…, of your budget approved) Copies of expenditures (tickets,invoices, receipts, contracts, etc..) Copies of expenditures (tickets,invoices, receipts, contracts, etc..) List of participants to meetings with ORIGINAL signatures List of participants to meetings with ORIGINAL signatures copy of Products/results (in progress; and final) of the project’s activities translated in the different languages foreseen copy of Products/results (in progress; and final) of the project’s activities translated in the different languages foreseen Any other documentation requested Any other documentation requested
To fill in by each person involved in the project It must comprehend the overall time worked by the staff (not just the time spent on this project) It must be signed, dated and validated by the employer
Declare these costs per trip per person Each item declared must be supported by documents (tickets, invoices, hotel, taxi receipts, etc…). About flight costs, please keep your boarding card (the ticket without boarding card will not be remboursed!!)
Specify the description of costs with reference to your budget: Information dissemination Translations Reproductions and publications Interpretations External expertise Invoices must be provided
ELIGIBLE COSTS: TO BE ELIGIBLE COSTS must be: -connected to the project -generated during the period of eligibility (22nov.2011 to 21 nov.2012) -generated by the Organization partners -proved by supporting documents, as invoices, receipts, etc…, or other accounting document of equivalent value NO eligible costs: oVAT unless the partner can prove that it is unable to recover it (VAT paid by public bodies are NOT an eligible costs) oContribution in kind (voluntary work, equipment or premises made available free of charge…)
DIRECT COSTS Staff costs (personale) Staff having permanent or temporary employment contract with a partner (REAL COST: actual salary + social security charges and other statutory costs included in the ordinary remuneration) **note that: it will be required the calculation of the daily salary for each category staff (ISCO) involved in the project
SUBSISTENCE: COST FOR SUBSISTENCE: - Accommodation - Flat rate amount as Daily subsistence allowances (DSA) which cover: breakfast + 2 main meals + local transport, costs of telecommunications
Calculation TRAVEL COSTS for the 1° transnational meeting in Perugia (IT): hotel price: € 135,00 (max price) SDA: € 95,00 for breakfast, main meals, local travels Max total cost to spend in Italy is € 230,00
Please note: As the EBT will offer you the social dinner, your SDA will be reduced by 30% in the following way: SDA calculated € 95,00 per day Reduction 30% = € 66,50 (95,00-30%) per day for main meals and local transfers to stay in Italy for the kick-off meeting. (in any case, you don’t have to calculate DSA for lunch and/or dinner if meals are offered). Coffee breaks offered during the meeting sitting does not affect this rule, because it is included in the room rental service price.
Costs for services Information dissemination: they refer to brochures, posters and invitations for the meetings, national seminars (dissemination activities) and Final Conference organized by partners (cost distributed among partners) Reproduction and publication: they refer to publication of final products, Guidelines (cost distributed among partners)
Translations costs: they refer to the project's products as: Best practices Guidelines Best practices Guidelines, Report of national trends Instant report of the OST meeting from EN to the language of the partner Country (Italian, Spanish, Greek and Latvian). (cost distributed among the partners concerned) Documentation to provide: invoice with the indication “Budget Heading ” payment Within the period of eligibility - 21 November 2012.
Interpretation costs: they refer to interpreters (hired locally) for the meetings in Italy (1 st meet.; OST), General seminar in Latvia (n.2 interpreters from Latvian to English and Italian for n.2 days) and the Final Conference in Brussels (n.2 interpreters from English to Italian and French). The daily fee of an interpreter is max € 700,00 (including VAT). Documentation to provide: Invoice with the indication “Budget Heading ” Payment Within the period of eligibility - 21 Nov. 2012
Subcontracting (external expert): provision services by external party in connection with the implementation of the action. Foreseen only for the Partner “Buurtsuper.Be” (BE). Documentation to provide: Tender with other suppliers (according to the normal use of the organization) the contract with the subcontractor (travel costs for the subcontractor should be included in the subcontract) invoice payment Within the period of eligibility - 21 Nov. 2012
Indirect costs (costi indiretti) Those costs are general administrative costs - OVERHEADS of your budget (maintenance, photocopying, mailing postage, tel. and fax costs, heating, electricity…) They don’t need to be justified by accounting documents Indirect costs are not eligible for an action where the beneficiary already receives an operating grant from EU budget during the period in question
It is advised to respect your budget approved asking for modifications ONLY if strictly necessary for the running project. Modifications will be evaluated by E.B.T. in order to be in line with the overall project and the limitations fixed by the E.C.
Do you have any query??? We inform you that in 22 March the E.C. has organized an operative meeting where there will be the possibility to require some clarifications about financial aspects or other on the Budget Heading Programme … We are available to any suggestions ….. Thank you very much all of you !!!
Ente Bilaterale del Terziario di Perugia Please for any questions or information contact: