Proposal Submission 101
Proposal Timeline As soon as you have decided to submit, notify our SPPD contracts and grants coordinators, Nicole Burelli and Elizabeth Gatchalian Be prepared to provide the following: – Funding Announcement Number – Submission Deadline – Proposal Information Checklist Note that collaborative proposals require additional processing time
Proposal Timeline At least 7 days prior to submission deadline, forward the administrative shell: – Application cover sheet from the granting institution (if applicable) – Budget Justification – One page summary, project description, or abstract
Proposal Timeline At least 5 days prior to submission deadline: – Provide all sponsor required documentation including full and final proposal text, approved budget and, where appropriate, IRB approvals – For electronic submissions, all documentation should be uploaded (but not submitted) to the sponsoring agency by this time
Proposal Approval Process All proposals must be approved by the SPPD Dean’s office. Genevieve Guiliano will review and sign off on proposals on behalf of the Dean. Once proposals have received Gen’s approval, they will be forwarded to USC Contracts and Grants for final review and approval.
Proposal Approval Process USC Contracts and Grants reviews the completed proposal and notifies us of any required changes. Contracts and Grants requires 5 working days for proposal review ONLY USC Contracts and Grants may submit grant and contract proposals
Subcontracts Subcontracts are now required to undergo the same process as regular grant proposals, including approval by Gen Guiliano on behalf of the Dean At a minimum, subcontract proposals are required to include a scope of work, budget and budget justification Upon receipt and approval of the subcontract documents, USC Contracts and Grants will issue a letter of support.
SPPD Contracts and Grants Staff Tasks In collaboration with the PI, SPPD C&G staff is responsible for the following proposal tasks: – Preparation or review of your budget – Coordination of submission packet materials – Preparation of your ePAR & organization of required approvals and signatures – Liaising with central USC Contracts and Grants
Additional Considerations PARiS: – USC’s PreAward Research Information System (PARiS) is a web-based system that streamlines the proposal development, approval, and submittal process. – Nicole and Elizabeth will largely manage the PARiS process, although all PI’s are required to obtain a user name and password, and will be required to electronically “agree to participate” in each research project proposed – User Names can be requested at
Additional Considerations Grants Management Training: – The University requires that all Principal Investigators complete the on-line Grants Management education course before accessing any grant funds. The course must be completed at least every 3 years, and can be accessed at angEdProgram/index.cfm angEdProgram/index.cfm
Additional Considerations Human Subjects: – Requirements for Human Subjects review are more broadly applied each year—please assume that you will have to go through the IRB process. More information on IRB submissions can be found at owto/ owto/
SPPD Research Administration Intranet Documents and links concerning proposal administration and submission can now be found at SPPD’s research administration intranet site, _admin.htm _admin.htm Information included on the site will be periodically updated; please contact Nicole or Elizabeth with any comments or suggestions