Support and Inclusion of students with disabilities at higher education institutions in Montenegro – Procedure for collecting valid documentations and partners’ obligation 1 st Project Coordination meeting
The role of the Coordinator Has full responsibility for ensuring that the action is implemented in accordance with the Agreement. Is responsible for supplying all the needed documents to the EACEA. Must inform all parts of any event that may affect the action, etc.
Communicating with the EACEA All correspondence with EACEA must be from the Coordinator.
The role of the co-beneficiaries Must forward to the coordinator all the data & documents needed for monitoring. Must inform the coordinator of any event that may affect the action. Must inform the coordinator of any modification of their individual budget, etc.
Eligible Do not assume that all activities are automatically eligible. You should consult with the coordinator & check that all the activities are indeed… BEWARE!
Requests for modifications should be duly justified in relation to the project objectives. Modifications should be detailed and asked at least one month before the changes are scheduled to take place. Modifications can be introduced either through the Intermediate Report or through general correspondence. The eligibility criteria indicated in the Call, Guidelines for Applicants and Grant Agreement must always be respected. Amendments enter into force and have contractual value after signature by the EACEA and legal representative. Amendments: General Advice
The Aim of Reporting To help partners take stock of their achievements on the project. To ensure that the project is complying with the funding requirements. To communicate the project’s achievements to the Agency. In the Intermediate Report, to communicate to the Agency, areas where the project might need support.
Reports A. D/WP Reporting B. Intermediate Report on the implementation of the project (IR) Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment C. Final Report on Implementation of the Project (FR) & Financial Statement All reports share the same format.
Reports D/WP Report will help the project to conduct the Interim Report and after that the Final Report FINAL REPORT INTERIM REPORT D/WP REPORTS
A. D/WP Reporting - Following the conclusion of each WP and in some cases each Deliverable i.e. when the WP lasts for 36 months and one Deliverable ends in the first project year. - Full implementation and financial report using annex iii.xls & annexiv.doc. - Supply of all the necessary data & documents. - Numbered supporting documents per cost using the acronym of the co-beneficiary and the number (e.g. ticket to Brussels & daily allowance= UOM115) - Official translation of all supporting documents in English.
B. Reporting to the EU 1. Intermediate Report on the implementation of the project (IR) Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment DEADLINE When 70% of the 1st pre-financing has been disbursed but not later than: “15 April 2013”
A. Intermediate Report Progress in relation to activities Statistics and indicators Table of achieved/planned results Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment
Reporting to the EU 2. Final Report on Implementation of the Project (FR) & Financial Statement DEADLINE Two months after the end of the eligibility period (14/12/2014)
B. Final Report Overall achievement level in relation to the total awarded grant and details on all expenses.
Remarks on “good reports” A frank honest account of the project’s obstacles, the methods used to overcome them and the outcome are given. It must indicate exactly what has happened in the project, this means give concrete information is provided (answering ‘when’, ‘ where’, ‘ what’, ‘how’ and ‘how many’) Not too long....and not too short It must be clear, which partner has been responsible for what. It shouldn’t written by a number of people in different styles and incoherent.
Supporting documents Budget heading Supporting documents I. Staff Costs Staff Conventions for staff members For replacement costs, confirmation from the EU institution that the vacated role was filled for the period in question + Convention for each staff member filling the vacated role. II. Travel Costs & Costs of Stay Individual mobility reports and all copies of travel tickets, boarding passes, invoices, receipts. III. Equipment All invoices Three estimates / quotations for equipment purchases above € 25,000.
Budget headingSupporting documents IV. Printing & Publishing All invoices Sub-contracts and invoices for external staff For a sub-contract above € , docs on the tendering procedure (min 3 quotations). V. Other Costs All invoices, bank statements Sub-contracts, invoices and travel supporting documents for external staff For a sub-contract above € , docs on the tendering procedure (min 3 quotations). VI. Indirect Costs None, but should be identifiable and justifiable (Art. II.14.3) Supporting documents
Project Publications 1) All Tempus-funded publications must bear the following; ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein’. 2) All Tempus publications must bear the Tempus logo.
Modification of the budget A budget modification is required when there is an increase of more than 10% of a budget heading. (When less than 10%, no need for prior authorisation) Need to ask for a budget modification before the additional costs are incurred. Provide the original budget and the new budget, indicating clearly the transfers carried out between budget headings. The ceiling for equipment and staff costs is not subject to negotiation. The flexibility of 10% applies also to these ceilings. Indirect Costs are not subject to budget modification and the 10% flexibility does not apply to Indirect Costs.
GOOD PROJECT Guidelines for the Use of the Grant FAQ the coordinator ANNEXES GRANT AGREEMENT PROJECT PROPOSAL