U.S. General Services Administration Christy L. Jackiewicz Outreach Program Manager Office of Small Business Utilization Doing Business with GSA: Part II Contracting Options for Small Business Doing Business with GSA: Part II Contracting Options for Small Business
Introduction This training was developed to provide a wealth of knowledge to the small business whether downloading from our website for a quick view, taking notes during a education session or as a reference document for those times you just need to review a section or two. Our goal is to connect you to opportunities in our agency. Let us know how we are doing and how we can improve. 2
3 Learn about options to partnering with GSA Review steps to successful partnering relationships Learn How to Locate New Opportunities Highlight tools for success Provide Helpful Guidance Provide support and access to more information Purpose
Subcontracting as a Contract Option Type BenefitsChallenges Subcontracting Large Business Required at $650,00 or above New Opportunities Past Performance Not Always Required Mentor Protégé Identifying Primes Getting Credit for Work Second Hand Payments Growing into Prime How to participate: Open to all business sizes Take turns being the prime Bring the opportunities to the table Highlight your partnerships as your government experience A Plan is Required: Large Business and revenue is $650,000 or greater ($1.5M for construction) including all options
Subcontracting Plan “Individual contract plan” means a subcontracting plan that covers the entire contract period (including option periods), applies to a specific contract, and has goals that are based on the offeror’s planned subcontracting in support of the specific contract, except that indirect costs incurred for common or joint purposes may be allocated on a prorated basis to the contract. “Master plan” means a subcontracting plan that contains all the required elements of an individual contract plan, except goals, and may be incorporated into individual contract plans, provided the master plan has been approved. “Subcontract” means any agreement (other than one involving an employer- employee relationship) entered into by a Government prime contractor or subcontractor calling for supplies and/or services required for performance of the contract, contract modification, or subcontract.
Contracting Teaming Arrangements as a Contract Option Type BenefitsChallenges Contractor Teaming Arrangements Both serve as Prime Vendors usually decide terms One solution but separate pay Break into new markets Learn from others Deciding who leads Agreeing on Process Knowing the rules for each kind of teaming Bad association is possible (if partner performs poorly) How to participate: GSA Schedule Contractors Find a GSA Schedule Project (Fedbizopps, Forecast) Invite other GSA Contractors to Participate Highlight your team as your government experience An agreement is required: All team members should work out the details like team lead etc. The buyer must accept the agreement. There are non-GSA Schedule teaming arrangements to consider.
Contractor Teaming Arrangements “Contractor team arrangement, "means an arrangement in which— (1) Two or more companies form a partnership or joint venture to act as a potential prime contractor; or (2) A potential prime contractor agrees with one or more other companies to have them act as its subcontractors under a specified Government contract or acquisition program.
Joint Venture as a Contract Option Type BenefitsChallenges Joint Venture Joint Past Performance Limited Partnership Prep Process Provides better positioning Sharing cost Shared Resources Limited Partnership Time and Effort Upfront and Future Cost Extensive rules regarding “Affiliation” for various SDB’s, 8(a)’s, SDVOSB’s, etc Legal and Accounting Support recommended How to participate: Open to all business sizes Formal agreement to merge assets Commitment An agreement is required: All parties should weigh heavily the magnitude of this commitment and involve legal counsel.
Joint Venture A joint venture… is an association of persons or concerns with interests in any degree or proportion by way of contract, express or implied, consorting to engage in and carry out a single specific business venture for joint profit, for which purpose they combine their efforts, property, money, skill, or knowledge, but not on a continuing or permanent basis for conducting business generally. A joint venture is viewed as a business entity in determining power to control its management
Successful Partnering Introduce - Use every opportunity to meet new potential partners Exchange Information – Never leave home without your business cards and a pen Go to breakfast/lunch/dinner– Set up a time within the first two weeks Go to other things together– meet at events of mutual interest Determine value add – both sides should benefit from the partnership
Value-Add Checklist (assess in the first 2-3 meetings) Positive Reputation? (birds of a feather) Successful Contracts? (not dependent on your success) Accessible Location? (services more than products) Appealing Niche? (complement your company) Certifications? (for set-asides and other benefits) Memberships? (networking advantage) Past Performance? (positive or negative) Steady Growth? (past to current accomplishments)
Successful Partnering Propose a collaboration – Once you find an opportunity invite them to the table Develop the terms/promises – If both sides see the potential, determine the rules to the game Sign an agreement/contract – put everything in writing Begin the Journey – work hard and enjoy the success Implement short and long term goals – Determine if there is a real future and if so, make plans of attack Check in often to make sure both sides are experiencing success– re-evaluate the partnership every 6 months to a year to make sure you continue to grow and prosper.
Locate Partnering Opportunities Attend Industry matchmaking events Small Business Conferences Follow social media Support small business groups Actively participate in events Celebrate achievements in the small business community
Locate Partnering Opportunities ssq.gsa.gov, Use and Analyze Reputable Database Services. Maximize Functions to increase the quality of information Fedbizopps (advanced search) Schedule Sales Query (Generate reports, review contractors success for partnering potential) – Schedules e-Library (Contract information, GSA Advantage database)
Tools for Successful Partnering interact.gsa.gov, Social Media – join special groups looking for the same kind of business opportunities Subcontracting Registry Sources- Most Federal Agencies have an updated directory Many large business have registration for their directory Prime Contractor list Most Federal Agencies have an updated directory
Tools for Successful Partnering Small Business Incubators Designed to support small business by providing business support and other helpful resources OSDBU – Every Federal Agency has one Consulting, Project information Mentor Protégé Programs (GSA, DOD, SBA, etc.) Bringing business together Sharing knowledge and opportunities Give and Take
Helpful Guidance Put everything in writing Consider o Rotating Prime Representation o Length of Commitment o Terms and Conditions for Exiting the Partnership Track FBO for Government Trends Veteran Set-Asides Sustainability Requirements Women Owned Small Business Set-Asides
Helpful Guidance Look for Synopsis without a Solicitation Build with Government Rep Learn about Agency Goals Support the development of the procurement Develop social connections with potential partners Consider providing samples of your capabilities through small projects Be prepared to sum up your capabilities and past performance in less than a minute.
Small Business Advocates in GSA Each Federal agency has an Office of Small Business Utilization put in place by congress “…to promote the maximum practicable use of all designated small business categories within the Federal Acquisition process…” These advocates report to the head of their agency on the success of this partnership. Finding creative new ways to educate Sponsoring and delivering business development training Integrating low-cost networking events into established venues Providing free counseling and more… 19
Access OSBU (publications, video, fact sheets…) (GSA events around the country just for small business) Want all events? Interact.gsa.gov Small Business Solutions Group (blogs, discussion boards, and more) 20
Access OSBU (information and feedback changing small business partnerships) GSA, Office of Small Business Utilization (Fan Page with lots of updates) 21
GSA Partners Advocating for Small Business 22 Small Business Administration SBA provides business counseling, training and business development specialists providing free and low-cost services in your area U-ASK-SBA ( ) The Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers PTACs are dedicated to assisting businesses seeking to compete successfully in federal, state and local government contracting. Federal OSBU Agency Offices The Small Business Act as amended by Public Law established the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business (OSDBU) to promote the maximum practicable use of all designated small business categories within the Federal Acquisition process.
GSA Sources of Support PBS Industry Relations Construction, Real Estate, Architecture, Interior Design Public Building Service National Customer Service Center (NCSC) (800) Commercial Products and Services Federal Acquisition Service Office of Small Business Utilization 855-OSBUGSA gsa.gov/smallbizsupport Office of Small Business Utilization 23
SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Christy L. Jackiewicz General Services Administration Office of Small Business Utilization OSBUGSA ( ) 24 We want to hear from you. Please share your success stories, comments, questions and concerns.