Logan Consulting Unlocking the Secrets of WIP Unlocking the Secrets of WIP Nadia Truxell
Logan Consulting Introduction – Nadia Truxell Operations/Materials Manager – Scherdel Sales & Technology Automotive Supplier of Springs and Stampings Implemented QAD Project Manager – Logan Consulting QAD Implementations and Business Process Consulting Automotive Food & Beverage Consumer Goods Industrial Products
Logan Consulting Unlocking the Secrets of WIP What is WIP and how can it help you? Data Structure for Optimizing Information through Adv Rep Production Reporting Pitfalls – Common Errors to Avoid and How to Recognize and Fix them when they happen.
Logan Consulting The Basics… WIP Work in Process Material that has been partially processed but not yet transformed into its final state and not normally usable as is. The status of WIP material is usually described by its current routing operation location
Logan Consulting How Can WIP Help You? Provide visibility of cost of material that currently being processed Provide better control of material in process as it moves through the production process Provide visibility of material being processed by a subcontractor at an external supplier location
Logan Consulting How Can WIP Help You? As material moves throughout the manufacturing process it becomes work in process (WIP) Picks up cost as it moves through operations Consumes materials and labor
Logan Consulting How Can WIP Help You? Why some companies don’t use WIP functionality: No business requirement to track at operational level Lack of understanding of software functionality Pain from incorrect transactions Limited resources for accurate and timely data collection
Logan Consulting How Can WIP Help You? Why some companies should use WIP functionality: Multiple steps throughout the manufacturing process where it is necessary to track costs at the operational level. Desire to increase visibility and control of material as it moves through the process Ability to scrap and reject material by operation Subcontract operations exist in the manufacturing process
Logan Consulting Data Structure Department Work Center/Machine Routing
Logan Consulting Data Structure Routing Example - NO Visibility to WIP
Logan Consulting Data Structure Routing Example – Multi Operations
Logan Consulting Data Structure Department
Logan Consulting Data Structure Work Center
Logan Consulting Data Structure Routing
Logan Consulting Data Structure Routing Example – Multi Operations
Logan Consulting Data Structure Routing Subcontract
Logan Consulting Data Structure Routing Subcontract
Logan Consulting Data Structure Operation Work Center/Machine Milestone Subcontract
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Backflush Move Scrap Reject Rework Adjust
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Backflush
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Backflush
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Backflush Transaction moves reported quantity through the manufacturing process between milestone operations.
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Move Transaction
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Move Transaction Use Move Transaction to transfer a quantity from the input queue of a manufacturing operation to the output queue of the following operation, or if there is no following operation, to finished material inventory
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Scrap Transaction
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Use Scrap Transaction to remove quantities from either the input, output, or reject queues of a manufacturing operation.
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Reject Transaction Reject previously backflushed units from an operation's output queue to the same operation's reject queue or to the reject queue of any preceding operation Reject units from an operation's input queue and record the reject at the previous operation
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Reject Transaction
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Reject Analysis Report
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Rework Transaction Use Rework Transaction to transfer item quantities from the reject queue of one manufacturing operation to one of the following: The output queue of the operation at which you are reporting (reporting operation) The output or input queue of any operation subsequent to the reporting operation
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Rework Transaction
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions WIP Adjust Transaction
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions WIP Adjustment Analysis Report
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Transactions Subcontract Shipping Moves material into inventory location of the Subcontract Supplier Code PO Receipt moves material into next operation in Routing WIP Item Number can be assigned to material while it is in the Subcontract Routing operation Components
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Reports Routing Detail Browse (Custom)
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Reports Op_Hist Detail Browse (Custom)
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Reports WIP Status Report
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Reports WIP Valuation Report
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Reports
Logan Consulting Tracking WIP - Reports
Logan Consulting Common Pitfalls Issue: Move Next Op = No Quantity stays in the output queue of the last operation Fix: Use Move Transaction to push the quantity through Issue: Incorrect Quantity Reported Fix: Reverse incorrect quantity and report correct quantity at the appropriate operation using backflush transaction Issue: Wip Status Report shows incorrect quantities at operations Fix: Cycle count Work Center inventory and use Scrap Transaction and/or Move transaction to adjust.
Logan Consulting Common Pitfalls Issue: Backflush transacted at non-milestone operation Fix: Reverse the transaction and redo at the correct operation Issue: Previous operation negative when backflushing a later operation. Fix: Count work center inventory to ensure correct. Ensure backflush transaction was completed for previous milestone operation.
Logan Consulting Common Pitfalls Issue: Backflush transacted at non-milestone operation Fix: Reverse the transaction and redo at the correct operation Issue: Previous operation negative when backflushing a later operation. Fix: Count work center inventory to ensure correct. Ensure backflush transaction was completed for previous milestone operation.
Logan Consulting Common Pitfalls Issue: Backflush transacted at non-milestone operation Fix: Reverse the transaction and redo at the correct operation Issue: Previous operation negative when backflushing a later operation. Fix: Count work center inventory to ensure correct. Ensure backflush transaction was completed for previous milestone operation. When ALL ELSE FAILS – use the WIP Adjust Transaction
Logan Consulting Common Pitfalls Accuracy of information requires commitment and discipline throughout the organization.
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Logan Consulting Thank You Nadia Truxell
Logan Consulting