Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council Valerie Lemmie, EISPC Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council Valerie Lemmie, EISPC Director

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DE-OE Disclaimers: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe upon privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United Sates Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DE-OE Disclaimers: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe upon privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United Sates Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.

Overview Background Key Accomplishments with EIPC Stakeholder Steering Committee (SSC) EISPC’s Key Accomplishments Studies and Whitepapers Future of EISPC Background Key Accomplishments with EIPC Stakeholder Steering Committee (SSC) EISPC’s Key Accomplishments Studies and Whitepapers Future of EISPC

Background Planning Authorities States Planning Ensuring a reliable, cost effective and increasingly domestic energy supply Comprehensive Transmission Planning Example: Cost Allocation and Resource Planning Committee

DOE FOA Topic A Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative Topic A Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative Interconnection Level Planning and Analysis Planning Authorities Topic B Eastern Interconnection States Planning Council Cooperation among states on Electric Resource and Planning Priorities Commission and Governors Office Representatives

States in EI Form Multi-Jurisdictional Organization in Response to DOE FOA May 2009: Small Group of Commissioners Meet at NARUCJune 2009: Reps from Utility Commissions and Governors meet in DCJuly/August 2009: Organizational Structure EstablishedSeptember 2009: Submitted Funding RequestDecember 2009: Bylaws AdoptedFebruary 2010: Submitted Revised Proposal

Quick Facts 39 States, 2 Jurisdictions 26 Planning Authorities 600+ GW of Demand 5 Utility Regulatory Schemes


EISPC Stake- holders EIPC Participated in Topic A Activities SSC 1/3 of the SCC membership are EISPC representatives 10 Voting Members 2 Representatives from 5 Regions

Assembled Data for Roll-Up Case and Reached Agreement on Inputs Enabled participation in regional and interconnection- wide transmission planning and analysis Informed public policy decisionsConducted studies on key issues integration of variable renewable resources into the EI availability of base load renewables and other low- carbon resources

Facilitated cooperation Electric resource planning and priority setting Enabled more consistent and coordinated input Reached Consensus on Modeling Inputs and Assumptions/ Expanded Knowledge Base

Reached Consensus on Three Transmission Build-Out Scenarios Business As Usual Regional RECs National RECs Inputs and Assumptions Conducted Studies Prepared Whitepapers Identified Renewable Energy Resource Areas


EISPC’s Key Accomplishments Organizational Structure Studies and Whitepapers Energy Zones Mapping Tool Organizational Structure Studies and Whitepapers Energy Zones Mapping Tool

Organizational Structure Foundational Document: Bylaws

Study and Whitepaper Topics Demand Response Energy Efficiency Consumer Owned Generation – Fossil Fuel Consumer Owned Generation – Renewable Energy Energy Storage CoalNuclearNatural Gas Smart Grid Resource Adequacy Market Structures Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Published Studies and Whitepapers Economic Ramifications of Resource Adequacy Astrape Consulting, January 2013 Market Structures and Transmission Planning Processes in the Eastern Interconnection Christen Associates, March 2012 Assessment of Demand-Side Resources within the Eastern Interconnection Navigant Consulting, Inc., March 2013 Assessment of the Nuclear Power Industry Navigant Consulting, Inc., June 2013 Current State and Future Direction of Coal-Fired Power in the Eastern Interconnection ICF Incorporated, June 2013

Upcoming (Tentative) Titles Long Term Electric and Natural Gas Infrastructure Requirements Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Transmission and other Resources Co-Optimization of Transmission and other Supply Resources Transmission Primer Incorporation of Risk Analysis into Planning Processes Long Term Electric and Natural Gas Infrastructure Requirements Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Transmission and other Resources Co-Optimization of Transmission and other Supply Resources Transmission Primer Incorporation of Risk Analysis into Planning Processes

Energy Zones Mapping Tool 10 EISPC Representatives Argonne Oak Ridge Renewable Energy National Labs Energy Zones Work- group Clean Energy States Alliance Stake- holders

EZ Mapping Tool (Cont.) Targeted to Regulators and policy makers IndustryNGOsGrid operatorsConsumer unionsExperts Provides A large repository of energy resource data Flexible modeling approach Reports Searchable policy and incentives database

EZ Mapping Tool (Cont.) Public Policy Inventory Promote, Encourage or Inhibit the Development of Clean Energy Technologies Energy Zones Mapping Tool 250 Data Layers

Technologies Included NuclearSolarStorageWaterWind Biomass Coal w/ CCS GeothermalNatural Gas

CURRENT WORK EISPC and EIPC Electric and Natural Gas Studies and Whitepapers

EIPC Electric and Natural Gas Participating PAs Analysis Target Areas 1. Baseline Assessment 2. Evaluation of natural gas system (5 – 10 year planning horizon) 3. Identify contingencies that affect reliability 4. Review operational and planning issues of dual fuel capability generation Information provided by EIPC

EISPC Electric and Natural Gas Short and long-term operational, contractual and Planning concerns Understand and Catalogue With Argonne National Lab on the energy zones mapping tool Explore Collaborative Opportunities Using the 3 transmission build-outs developed in EIPC Phase 1 Develop 20 year analysis from industry on current and potential infrastructure; develop an analysis for Collect and analyze information upon completion of above Identify data needs Review existing state-of-the-art planning tools available and evaluate feasibility Evaluate Co-Optimization

EISPC Electric and Natural Gas including economic implications of the various futures and infrastructure build-outs Assess reliability metrics to assess natural gas and electric infrastructure requirements Document other efforts Both operational and definitional differences that will have to be considered Detail significant differences That affect new infrastructure and offer solutions Review Siting Requirements that would be beneficial to stakeholders and interested parties Recommend Future Analysis including a glossary of terms, bibliography, maps and other graphics Provide supporting documents

Comparison and Contrast EISPCEIPC Long-Term: 20 year planning horizon Analysis of electric and natural gas infrastructure requirements Short-term: year planning horizon Evaluate interaction between the infrastructures from a planning perspective Determine if there is sufficient infrastructure to support the proposed increase in natural gas power production

EISPC’s Role in EIPC Study Collaborate on respective electric and natural gas studies Offer data inputs and modeling suggestions independent from SSC Participate in the Stakeholder Steering Committee (SSC) EISPC holds 11 of 32 representatives 3 gas experts added to SSC for this study Regional stakeholder groups from each participating PPA March 2015: Stakeholder input on draft report Collaborate on respective electric and natural gas studies Offer data inputs and modeling suggestions independent from SSC Participate in the Stakeholder Steering Committee (SSC) EISPC holds 11 of 32 representatives 3 gas experts added to SSC for this study Regional stakeholder groups from each participating PPA March 2015: Stakeholder input on draft report

FUTURE OUTLOOK The Path Going Forward: Post DOE Funding (on going discussion)

Background: Timeline Risk Analysis Topic Approval for last round of studies and whitepapers Using EZ Mapping Tool, load forecasting, applying co-optimization, data mining Review and approval for proposed organizational structure, role and responsibilities of funding strategy for EISPC.2 October 28 – 29, 2013

Background: Timeline Review transmission Planning Primer Update and discussion on on-going studies and whitepapers Update on EISPC.2 March 13-14, 2014 (Tentative) Review of final reports of consultants EISPC final report review and approval Status report on EISPC.2 May 15-16, 2014 (tentative)

Background: Timeline Begin Closeout of consulting contracts May 31, 2013 End of subcontract between NARUC and NRRI where EISPC staff functions and website are housed Possible extension opportunity pursuant to EIPC and SSC schedule June 30, 2014 End of Cooperative Agreement between NARUC and DOE March 15, 2015

EISPC.2 Future Outlook On-Going Discussion Topics Strategic Role for EISPC.2 Organizational Structure Potential Funding Sources Membership Outreach / Collaborations / Partnerships

Strategic Role for the EISPC.2 Think Tank Staff Directed Studies and Whitepapers Technical Assistance Training EZ Mapping Tool Co-Optimization Tools Other Active in Interconnection- wide and/or Interregional Transmission Planning in the EI Other areas as decided by Council Membership Convening Role (States and Stakeholders) Education and Training Lessons Learned Best Practices

Organizational Structure Short Term Retain Bylaws Subcontractor to NRRI Long Term Affiliation with an association of Governors in the EI Independent non-profit organization

Potential Funding Sources Short Term DOE (non- ARRA) Other as identified Long Term Federal Agencies (EPA, DOE) Ad Hoc Foundation for specific project Others as identified

Membership Continue as is 1 Rep from Commission 1 Rep appointed by Governor Increase Involvement Webinars Larger Workgroup Role Expansion Involve other stakeholders

Outreach / Collaborations / Partnerships Produce Studies and Whitepapers Studies / research topics Energy Zones Mapping Tool Maintenance and upgrades DOE and non-DOE funded Load Forecasting Planning tools and processes NASEO NGA Other Potential Affiliations Partnership with EIPC Collaborate with RSCs Collaborate with National Labs

QUESTIONS? Valerie Lemmie EISPC Director Valerie Lemmie EISPC Director