Small Business Program Summary Fiscal Year 2012 Acquisition Services Management Division
LANL Summary: Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory) is located in Northern New Mexico about 35 miles (about a 40 minute drive) northwest of Santa Fe and 1 hour and 45 minutes drive from Albuquerque. The Laboratory is spread across 36 square miles; and is situated on the Pajarito Plateau, a series of mesas separated by deep east-to-west-oriented canyons. The Laboratory is one of the largest multidisciplinary, multi-program laboratories in the world. LANL is managed and operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). LANL is the largest employer in Northern New Mexico; with more than 11,000 employees and an annual budget of more than $2 billion. The Laboratory’s primary responsibility is ensuring the safety, security, and reliability of the nation’s nuclear deterrent. In addition to supporting the Laboratory’s core national security mission, the Lab works closely with other DOE facilities, universities, and industries across the United States, to perform its mission of national security. The Lab recognizes the vital role small businesses have on the nation’s economy. It also recognizes the significant impact small businesses have on the state and local economies of New Mexico and Northern New Mexico. It is the policy of LANL and DOE/NNSA that small businesses have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in Laboratory contracts; this is clearly articulated in the Lab’s Prime Contract. The Lab is committed to strengthening its relationship with the small business community and strongly believes that procuring from small businesses is the right thing to do. 2
Small Business Office Summary: The Small Business Program Summary for fiscal year 2012 highlights achievements by Los Alamos National Laboratory to maximize subcontracting opportunities for small businesses. It includes achievements made in awarding subcontracts to small businesses; and outreach efforts to make prospective suppliers aware of Laboratory supplier forums, forecasted business opportunities, and how to do business with the Laboratory. The summary demonstrates through data tables and graphs the number of Laboratory dollars spent with small businesses nationwide, and how the Laboratory has positively impacted each socioeconomic category on which the Laboratory is measured, and how these procurements have impacted the economy of New Mexico and Northern New Mexico. The Laboratory’s Small Business Program Office was managed by Dennis Roybal, up until Dennis's retirement during the Lab’s voluntary separation. Warren Finch was named the acting Small Business Manager until a new Small Business Manager was selected. In January 2013, Chris Fresquez was announced the Small Business Program Manager for LANL. Despite personnel changes in the office, the Small Business Program Office Team continued to work diligently in advocating to find new and innovative ways to engage small businesses to learn about how to do business with LANL. Fiscal year 2012 was eventful for Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Small Business Program. The Laboratory’s annual budget was $2.2 billion dollars. Of that budget, the Laboratory purchased $634.8 million in goods and services making a significant difference to regional companies and small businesses. Of the $634.8 million spent in FY12, 52.5 percent or $316.6 million dollars of all purchases made by the Laboratory were from small businesses, far exceeding the Lab’s target of 46 percent. As a result, the Laboratory exceeded its goals for purchases in all social economic categories (Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Women-Owned Small Businesses, Veteran-Owned, Serviced-Disabled Veteran-Owned, and HUBZone small businesses). LANL also exceeded its goals for purchases made from small businesses in Northern New Mexico, the state, and the country. Procurements of $355.9 million remained in New Mexico and $252.4 million or 41.8 percent of all procurements stayed in Northern New Mexico. LANL’s goal for Northern New Mexico procurements in FY12 was 35 percent. 3
4 LANL Procurement Overview for Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Lab Budget: $2.2B Goods and Services Procured: $634.8M Small Business Procurements: $316.6M New Mexico Procurements: $355.9M Northern New Mexico Procurements: $252.4M New Small Business Manager: Chris Fresquez
What We Bought FY12 5 Total Spend: $634.8M
Socioeconomic Goals and Achievements The Laboratory negotiates its socioeconomic goals annually with DOE/NNSA to ensure that a percentage of Laboratory procurements are placed with small and other socioeconomic businesses. The Small Business Program Office tracks procurement performance for the Laboratory and reports its performance semiannually to DOE, NNSA, and SBA. The socioeconomic goals, which are negotiated and established, include these small business socioeconomic categories: Small Disadvantaged Business, Woman- Owned Small Business, Veteran-Owned Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, and HUBZone Small Business. While goals are not set for 8(a) Small Businesses, the SBPO also tracks the volume of procurements placed in this category. 6 Los Alamos National Laboratory FY 2012 Small Business Goals and Achievements CategoryFY2012 Negotiated Goals FY2012 Achievements FY2012 Dollars Small Business (SB)46%52.5%$316,604,910 Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)10%23.2%$140,137,343 Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB)8%15.7%$94,993,711 HUBZone Small Business (HUBZone)0.5%2.0%$12,083,175 Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB)3.0%8.5%$51,300,160 Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) 1.0%3.2%$19,043,475 SDB 8(a)’sNot Goaled5.9%$35,835,871 Northern New Mexico>35%41.8%$252,421,109
7 Los Alamos National Laboratory FY12 Procurement Spend in New Mexico CategoryFY12 Dollars New Mexico Total Procurement$355,946,380 Los Alamos County$193,827,533 Santa Fe County$10,391,916 Rio Arriba County$35,158,738 Sandoval County$9,700,890 San Miguel$44,771
LANL Small Business Subcontracting Program In addition to our own Small Business subcontracting requirements, the SBPO office also manages LANL’s second tier SB subcontract program. Subcontracts awarded by LANL to large businesses exceeding $650,000 ($1.5 million for construction), require the large business to submit small business subcontracting plans. These plans are consistent with LANL’s SB Subcontract Plan (Appendix E of the Prime Contract) and include proposed goals for the various socioeconomic categories. Both the procurement specialist along with the SBPO negotiate with the Large Business the goals appropriately based on the scope of work and the percentage of work to be subcontracted. The second tier Subcontract Program, required by Public Law, and implemented throughout the DOE/NNSA complex, allows small businesses additional contracting opportunities and impacts the economy locally, regionally and nationally. The SBPO is very assertive in pushing for goals that are commensurate with the complex scopes of work by researching and identifying qualified small businesses on major acquisitions. SBPO also assists large businesses in identifying small businesses for lower tier subcontracting opportunities. 8
9 New Mexico Small Business Assistance Program recognized by U.S. Department of Commerce The New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) program, a collaboration of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Sandia National Laboratories and the state of New Mexico, received the 2012 Manufacturing Advocate of the Year award from the Manufacturing Extension Partnership under the U.S. Department of Commerce. The award was presented at the 2012 Manufacturing Innovation conference in Orlando, Florida for “commitment to the business growth and transformation of U.S.–based manufacturing through work in the manufacturing sector.” The NMSBA was specifically recognized for the significant impact the laboratories’ technical assistance program makes in helping drive new product innovation among New Mexico small businesses and contributing to state economic growth. “The external recognition is an important validation for the work we do to support local businesses, promote economic development and create jobs here in New Mexico,” said LANL’s Community Programs Office Director Kurt Steinhaus. “As a Laboratory, we see our investment in small business technical support as integral to building regional partnerships to promote a strong, vibrant, local community.“ Through the NMSBA, small businesses with technical challenges can seek assistance from laboratory scientists or engineers for projects that require testing, design consultation, or access to special equipment or facilities. For selected businesses, assistance takes the form of Laboratory staff hours valued at up to $20,000 per calendar year if located in rural New Mexico counties, and $10,000 for those located in Bernalillo County. The total amount of assistance is capped at $2.4 million annually for each of New Mexico’s two national laboratories. Since its inception, the NMSBA has provided 1,876 New Mexico small businesses with nearly $30 million in technical assistance. The program created and retained more than 2,300 jobs at an average salary of $38,000. Through the assistance of the NMSBA, these companies also saw their revenue increased by more than $107 million, while operating costs decreased by $63.6 million. These companies in turn invested $35 million in other New Mexico goods and services and received $41 million in new funding and financing.
10 Small businesses serving LANL receive DOE awards Eberline Services, HukariAscendent Inc. and ARSEC Environmental LLC received Department of Energy small business awards and were recognized by DOE at a ceremony June 2012 in Washington, D.C. Eberline Services of Santa Fe received DOE’s Small Business of the Year award. Eberline conducted environmental drilling services at LANL. The work in 2011 was completed without recordable injuries or lost work time because of accidents. The company also provided gamma-ray spectroscopy analyses as part of LANL’s recently completed remediation of Material Disposal Area B (Technical Area 21) east of downtown Los Alamos. HukariAscendent Inc. of Wheat Ridge, Colo., received the DOE Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year award. HukariAscendent provided technical services for nuclear high-hazard support and engineering services on several projects at LANL. ARSEC Environmental LLC, a Port Allen, La., company with offices in White Rock, received the DOE 8(a) Small Disadvantaged Business of the Year award. A Native American-owned business, ARSEC was the general contractor for the decommissioning and demolition of LANL’s former Administration Building, and also provided decontamination and demolition support for work at Material Disposal Area B. The company completed its work at LANL ahead of schedule, under budget and with no reportable safety incidents.
Small Business Outreach: The Small Business Program Office (SBPO) knows the importance of small business outreach events. LANL partnered with various organizations to support small business development and growth in accordance to the objectives of the Small Business Administration and LANL’s Prime Contract requirements. The SBPO team attended 19 “outreach events” aimed at seeking small business concerns. Small Business outreach events allow the SBPO to meet with small businesses to share forecasted business opportunities and discuss LANL programs and what capability and capacity small businesses have that would be supportive of LANL programmatic requirements. Information is then brought back to LANL and shared with procurement specialists and technical requestors. In addition, all small business contact information is then put into the Supplier Master Database in order to enable the SBPO staff and/or procurement specialists to retrieve the appropriate firms by their respective North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for incorporation into the bidder lists when needed. 11 LANL Employees participate in outreach events and work closely with Patrick Duran from Congressman Ben Lujan’s Office to provide information on LANL’s small business initiatives.
Small Business Office Successes LANL’s Small Business Office nominated three successful 2012 Awardees for Department of Energy (DOE) National Awards: “DOE Small Business of the Year Award”, “DOE Service Disabled Veteran Small Business of the Year Award”, and “DOE 8(a)/Small Disadvantaged Business of the Year Award”; all three companies were recognized and honored by DOE at a ceremony June, 2012 in Washington DC. LANL also nominated one company for the Small Business Administration (SBA ) Small Business of the Year, they received the SBA Region 5 Small Business of the Year Award. The company was recognized at the SBA Small Business Week Luncheon June, Worked with the Regional Development Corporation (RDC), LANL Community Programs Office, and the Regional Small Business Development Centers to develop a training for small business suppliers wanting to do business with LANL, our major subcontractors, and other governmental agencies. Sponsored the following small business outreach events: Annual Veteran’s Conference, Native American Economic Summit, Small Business Week Luncheon & Expo, Energy, Technology and Environmental Business Association (ETEBA) Annual Business Conference, New Mexico MED Week Event, and the National Association of Women Business Owners Event. 12 Nick Perry, LANL Procurement Manager talks with Sandra Villa, SAV Associated Services, at the ETEBA Conference held in Knoxville, TN.
Small Business Program Office P.O. Box 1663 MS P222 Los Alamos, New Mexico Small Business Program Office Phone: (505) Fax: (505) Small Business Program Summary - Fiscal Year 2012 is a publication of the Small Business Program Office, Los Alamos National Laboratory Editor, Yvonne C. Gonzales, ASM-SBPO Small Business Program Manager, Chris Fresquez Contributors: Chris Fresquez, James Carrigan, James Kloeppel, Steve Sandoval, and Yvonne Gonzales We’re on the Web Contracting with small businesses is crucial to the Laboratory, as well as to the economic recovery of the nation. The Laboratory will continue to seek out qualified small businesses that can contribute to its success at the local, regional, and national level. Los Alamos National Laboratory, an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA A U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory. LALP