South-south and Triangular Cooperation Antonio Tujan Jr. CO chair Betteraid IBON International
Definitions and characteristics Development cooperation between two developing countries whereas triangular cooperation includes a developed third partner providing funds to scale up (not to subcontract) cooperation in kind from ssc provider Not necessarily limited to transfer of development finance in monetary form or in kind, but also includes other forms of cooperation such as trade Generally recognized in the form of technical assistance found more appropriate than Northern TA but also a lot of development financing and infrastructure loans at concessional terms Main bulk comes from China and Saudi Arabia, the rest are small but politically significant. Overall SSC is also small
Significance of SSC Comparable levels of development translate to more appropriate forms of assistance and greater awareness of partner country needs and situation General adherence to principles of equality, mutual interest, sovereignty and non-interference, thus no conditionality Power relations, though essentially unequal, relatively balanced by level, experience and avowed principles – horizontal Great diversity among SSC providers, among BRICS, between BRICS, Arab and others
Political importance of SSC issue Challenge to traditional, DAC donors Current geopolitics In the campaign to shift discourse to development cooperation Asserting country leadership in addressing fragmentation rather than donor coord Promoting eradication of policy conditionality and equality/mutuality and non- interference as fundamental principles in international cooperation Expanding the agenda of HR and development effectiveness (including democratic ownership) to international cooperation in general
Issues in SSC and Triangular cooperation Promoting adherance to Busan principles (BB and other efforts) Tied aid? Role of private sector ‘China issue’ and ’good donorship’ Promoting HR