G ROWING K ENTUCKY A GRICULTURE & I NVESTING IN I TS F UTURE Stewardship in Agriculture Governor’s Conference on Energy & the Environment Oct. 7, 2014
Who are we? Est Provide a direct link between the Governor and agriculture Support the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board (KADB), Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation (KAFC) Advisor to the Governor on agricultural issues Work with Kentucky’s agriculture industry on state and national policy development G OVERNOR ’ S OFFICE OF A GRICULTURAL P OLICY 2
K ENTUCKY A GRICULTURAL D EVELOPMENT F UND $420,000,000 Invested in state, regional and county projects across the Commonwealth Totaling more than More than 4,800 projects 3
KADF O PPORTUNITIES County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP) On-Farm Energy Incentives KADF project grants, loans Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation low-interest loans To view 6 minute GOAP video – visit: 4
County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP) 1.Agricultural Diversification 2.Large Animal 3.Small Animal 4.Farm Infrastructure 5.Fencing & On-Farm Water 6.Forage & Grain Improvement 7.On-farm Energy 8.Poultry & Other Fowl 9.Technology & Leadership Development 10.Value-Added & Marketing KADF I NVESTMENT P ROGRAMS 5
T HE E NERGY P ROGRAM 2014 On-Farm Energy Efficiency & Investment Program Purpose: to provide incentives for Kentucky farm families to increase energy efficiency Funding: 50% reimbursement, up to $10,000 actual cost of qualified items 6
I TS I MPACT Approvals to Date Total Project Costs: $32,034,067 Total Investment:$ 4,737,777 Annual Energy Savings:$ 3,536,962 7
I TS I MPACT Poultry Heaters, insulation, attic inlets, tunnel doors Helping Farm Families Making it more cost effective to stay on the farm Alex Buck Monroe Co. Investment: Insulation and ventilation Total Project Cost: $43,000 Annual savings: $3,272 8
I TS I MPACT Grain Grain dryer upgrades Sustaining the Next Generation Making it more cost effective to stay on the farm Brandon Glenn Daviess Co. Investment: grain drying facility Total Project Cost: $82,831 Annual savings: $4,762 9
I TS I MPACT Energizing Kentucky Agriculture Making it more cost effective to stay on the farm Henkle’s Herbs & Heirlooms Mark and Velvet Henkle, Jessamine Co. Investment: biomass burner for 30’ x 96’ greenhouse Total Project Cost: $23,000 Annual energy savings: $4,433 Renewable Energy Wood 10
Auditors, grant writers, commodity organizations, RECC, TVA and many more O UR P ARTNERS 11
KADF Projects Kentucky Proud More than $13 million invested KADF I NVESTMENT P ROGRAMS 12 Beef Cattle Nearly $60 million state and county invested Kentucky Wine/ Grape Industry More than $2.4 million invested in state & local projects
KADF Projects Commonwealth Agri-Energy KADF I NVESTMENT P ROGRAMS 13 Kentucky Center for Agriculture & Rural Development More than $2.6 million for technical assistance, since 2001 Poultry House Evaluation Project $338,818 to evaluate energy use of poultry houses
C APITAL A CCESS Invested across the Commonwealth FOR MORE THAN $69 million 550 Loans Approved Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation Investing in the future of Kentucky agriculture 14
KAFC P ROGRAMS Agricultural Infrastructure Loan Program (AILP) Building the future of Kentucky agriculture Funds committed: $22,205,023 Loans approved: 343 Funds committed: $22,205,023 Loans approved: 343 Jerry O’Bryan (Daviess Co.) $100,000 Investment: grain storage facility Farm Credit Mid-America, Owensboro Square P Dairy (Logan Co.) $100,000 Investment: milking parlor expansion; pack barn construction First Southern National Bank, Russellville 15
KAFC P ROGRAMS Agricultural Infrastructure Loan Program Roundstone Native Seed (Hart Co.) $67,700 Investment: seed operation expansion Kentucky Banking Centers, Munfordville Brad Stephen (Daviess Co.) $110,000 KAFC / $10,000 Energy grant Investment: grain complex improvements, storage, dryer upgrade Independence Bank, Owensboro 16
KAFC P ROGRAMS Agricultural Processing Loan Program “It’s Gooo-d!” Funds committed: $17,455,227 Loans approved: 15 Funds committed: $17,455,227 Loans approved: 15 F.B. Purnell Sausage (Shelby Co.) $1.5 million participation on $5 million project Investment: additional refrigeration and meat processing equipment 17
KAFC P ROGRAMS Owensboro Grain (Daviess Co.) $6.5 million participation on $31 million project Investment: construct bio-diesel production facility and glycerin refinery Kenny’s Cheese (Barren Co.) $150,000 Investment: cheese facility construction Farm Credit Mid-America, Glasgow Agricultural Processing Loan Program 18
T HE P ROGRAMS Funds committed: $24,429,554 Loans approved: 177 Funds committed: $24,429,554 Loans approved: 177 Beginning Farmer Loan Program Helping beginning farmers achieve their dreams John McLean (Taylor Co.) $250,000 KAFC / $10,000 Energy grant Investment: Anaerobic digester United Citizens Bank of Southern Ky., Campbellsville Caleb Ragland (LaRue Co.) $250,000 Investment: 1,600 farrow to wean facility Lincoln National Bank, Hodgenville 19
T HE F UTURE KADF / KAFC programs ensure the sustainability of Kentucky farmers and their families We provide current farmers financial opportunities to maintain and grow their current family farming operations We also help the future generation of farmers establish and develop their own farming operation Emerson King (3) – Muhlenberg Co. Lucas (6), Elly (4) & Mac (2) Courtney – Shelby Co.
404 Ann Street Frankfort, KY (502) agpolicy.ky.gov Roger Thomas Executive Director