Kishor Tailor Chief Executive Humber LEP
Humber LEP Area
Population – 921,000 (2012) Economically active – 451,500 (June 2013) Businesses – 32,500 (June 2013) Majority SME’s Businesses exporting – 12% (2012) GVA - £14billion per annum, Unemployment 10.2% Core Stats
Largest Trading estuary in the UK Good access Established Energy sector Proximity to offshore wind farms Strong Port/ logistics sectors Important Chemicals sector Largest Enterprise Zone Good education infrastructure Humber Strengths
Chemicals and Process Industry – A Key Sector Petrochemical refining Pharmaceuticals Personal Care Pigments and colours Agrochemicals Fine Chemicals Polymers Paints and Coatings Surface treatments Speciality chemicals Inorganic and organic commodities
Chemicals & Process Industry – A Key Sector Mature industry Contributes £0.7bn in GVA. 20,000 employed in the sector One of four main petrochemical clusters. Includes two major oil refineries providing 27% of British oil refining capacity. Niche lucrative markets. The region has access to feedstocks, port access, skilled workforce. Future growth can be expected from biobased-derived chemicals. HCF CATCH supporting the sector.
Key Locations in the Humber 7
Salt End Chemicals Park people employed £500m invested over last 5 years More than a million tonnes processed here every year
Key Locations for Developments in the Humber 9
South Humber Bank Two of the UK’s largest oil refineries: Phillips66 Humber Refinery 11.5 mT/yr Total Lindsey Oil Refinery 11 mT/yr Plus other major companies…
11 The Vision To ensure that the appropriate infrastructure, supply of skilled labour and business support services are in place to underpin further growth and development of speciality niches and to address issues of an aging workforce and replacement demand.
Place Develop a coordinated and coherent portfolio of sites suitable for development. Create a forum of operators and users to steer infrastructure improvements. Promote place to investors on the basis of e.g. access to ports, land, staff, access to Europe and raw materials. Encourage new workers to relocate to the region. Support initiatives for new connections between Process centres e.g. South Humber Bank and Saltend pipeline. Lobby for government support to facilitate infrastructure and regulation changes which will enable economic growth. 12
People Fully analyse the skills and training demand in the Chemicals and Process Industry. Implement skills research including around current vacancies and average salaries to better sell opportunities to prospective employees. Coordinate the education and training in the sector offering better access for learners and employers. Investigate integration with Energy Campus integration. Understand gaps in local training provision and make steps to address them. Develop programmes to raise awareness of job roles in the sector. Better coordinate existing activities e.g. schools programmes, open days and events. Promote STEM subjects from a young learner age. Build closer links between industry and education/training providers. Measure workforce trends and measure improvements on the basis of new initiatives. 13
Business 14 Provide a comprehensive business support offer. Identify one steering group to define key business issues and develop initiatives to overcome them. Targeted supply chain support to better access domestic and international markets. Study of supply chains for supporting larger sector business’ in order to foster more input from SME’s. Support Humber companies to attend and exhibit at exhibitions, missions and visits within the UK and overseas. Support inward investments with a coordinated Humber-wide approach. Lobby for government support to facilitate regulation changes which will enable economic growth. Support companies to access University skills and expertise to develop new technologies.
Next Steps Validation of the Chemicals & Process Industry Growth Plan on the relevant business community. Final Chemical & Process Industry Growth Plan Implementation Plan Delivery 15