associate Czech production firms experienced in the manufacture and supply technological equipment for power engineering, industry and environmental protection ATOMEX GROUP
AURA a.s. ( B&Bartoni, spol. s r. o. ( BAEST M&S, a.s. ( Best Consulting & Training, s.r.o. ( FK system - povrchové úpravy, s.r.o. ( DEL a.s. ( firstNET, a. s. ( H Project, s.r.o. ( KRÁLOVOPOLSKÁ, a.s. ( LAPP KABEL, s.r.o. ( LVOS, s.r.o. ( MBNS - International, spol. s r.o. ( MICo, spol. s r.o. ( ZVU POTEZ a.s. ( Univerzita Pardubice ( Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, v. v. i. ( Association members
technological equipment for power engineering technological equipment for the nuclear power plants ecological systems for industrial waste incineration plants technological equipment for industrial waste water treatment plants equipment for chemical and petrochemical industries technological equipment for automotive industry ATOMEX GROUP
Skilled staff Complex approach to solution of investment units Earnest and plain dealing with customers and investors Long-term cooperation with subcontractors High quality of products and services Close and effective cooperation with banks to finance of investment units Assumptions for our successful activity are:
1. Energy Projects 2. Water treatment 3. Oil & Gas 4. Other projects Our activity areas
1. Energy projects power plants and heating power plants power plants basic on renewable resources (water, wind, biomass) reconstruction, modernization and gas penetration of energy units other projects (incineration plants)
2. Water treatment municipal wastewater treatment plants industrial wastewater treatment plants waste water treatment plants / nanotechnology control and diagnostic systems other projects
3. Oil & Gas Industrial projects for: Petroleum, natural gas and associated gas exploitation Storage, treatment and transport of natural gas Refinery, petrochemical and chemical industry
4. Other projects technological equipment for the nuclear power plants technological equipment for uranium industry individual machines for engineering and automotive industries robotized Welding Centre mechanization and Robotization reconstruction, Renewal and Modernization transfer of technological equipment
Main activities include: feasibility study, design and implementation investment construction including possible funding engineering, detail design and project management manufacturing and logistics erection, installation commissioning guarantee and after-guarantee services, incl. spare part deliveries
Selected certificates ЕN ISO 9001 ЕN ISO OHSAS ASME BPV - Code - section VIII, Division 1, Division 2 Quality System Certificate for welding in the scope of DIN Class E, DIN , DIN and DIN 4133 AD Merkblatt HPO GOST-R Conformity Certificate ЕN ISO 9001:2000 Certificate for Ukraine
Chairman of Board of Association:František Kulovaný Vice.Charman of Board of Association: David Vinkler Director of the Association: Jan Bartošic Addressof the Association:ATOMEX GROUP Černoleská 1930 Benešov Czech Republic Phone: Contacts